wheee first to comment! happy happy, heehee i like allthe effects you've done on this wall since it really suits the scan and i just love it. let's put it that way ;D +fav
Artist Comment
yup, another wallie. ^^ another messy one in fact. :P
very chaotic i think. *sigh* getting close to finals in school, so that's what im like right now...should be
studying though...instead of walling...><;;
so about the wallie, some stocks. clock/time symbol thing in the back from http://www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/~naters/images/Prague_Nov_2001/page_01.htm
and texture from hybrid-genesis. thanks.
and the scan was from here MT. :)
more feathers, i know. just really love feathers. XD
ok then, hope you like. thanx for viewing and comments are always welcome. ;)
*sobs* hafta go study now. T^T
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ShiXon Jan 08, 2006
AngelKate Jan 08, 2006
O_O daaaang...how the heck do you do that?! Its amazing...all the detail in the back. That scan is really cool too. I don't think its one I've seen before. Awesome job!
nolove Jan 08, 2006
always like that, knightstar-san ^__^, awesome wallie with sooo wonderful effect you put there ><. so kute position and all ><. move it to my fav now >.<
strawberrt Jan 08, 2006
it might be messy, but it looks really good ^^ The scan is very pretty, as well as the background. Maybe you added too much abstract though. anyways, this is a really nice wall!
phamthuha Jan 08, 2006
Fan.... FANTASTIC, Knight-san! I can't believe my eye OoO You are really a talent, top of top talent member here in MT .... Speechless already, the wing, the feather, the lighting, the circle... everything is truely perfect in your wallie, you are deserved to be recognised , sweetie >_<
Fav from me for sure ^_^ -
animefairy Jan 08, 2006
Aww, this wall is so touching and sad! The background reminds me of the past and memories! The scan blends very well with the character! :)
zaira Jan 08, 2006
nice color!
the wing, feathers and the lighting is soo cool!
nice scan too! :D
+fav! -
Acuni Jan 08, 2006
this looks great i like the effects and the bg is reaky fiting to the chara
hope to see more -
Rhonda21 Jan 08, 2006
This looks so cool.
You did a great job with the background.
Everything just matches. I really like it.
Awesome Work! -
trinigirl524 Jan 08, 2006
lovely effects done here. nice use of bright tones here too, but you can still tell the hint of despair. anyhoo wonderful job ^^ fav+
kiukirilya Jan 08, 2006
This is amazing! So much details and great effects!
A fav' for sure! -
walkure245 Jan 08, 2006
I liked the placement of the girl in correspondance to the circle and the rest of the wallie. It creates a nice spiraling effect. The colors are really warm and matches really well in the wall. I love the feathers and the buildings in the bg. It looks like she's time-traveling as well. Like the textures and grungey look. Really awesome work!
Emma Jan 08, 2006
Definite a choatic feel. Love it!
Love the scan! And really like how you got the colors of the background to match her. The falling feathers really add some dimension. Including the sparkles that are falling down and are even shaped like they are moving fast. Ohhh and the astrological/zodiac symbols behind in the backdrop are really cool. Makes it feel mystical. And buildings and more buildings! My biggest fear is falling off a building. Interesting how you incorporate such massive manmade things in your background to show how we can fall from such a sturdy, stable foundation.
Really like the symbolism in this wall. Excellent job of conveying mood in this wall through such passion of symbols and effects. Definite Fav! ^_^merged: 01-09-2006 ~ 04:01am
P.S. Wish you well with your studies ^_~
THE-DARK-PRINCE Jan 08, 2006
Really Really, an awesome work!
Very nice textures and effects have been used....
The scan goes perfectly with the background...
I like the title, nice choice....
I hope that u will do well with ur studies and i wish u the best luck...
And i hope to see more of ur wonderful work ^_^ -
alterlier Jan 09, 2006
wow such a great thing here I love the scan and the way it is, the wings are amazing it looks so mystical, really wonderful.
fav of course. -
Amru-chan Jan 09, 2006
Wow, nice wallie ^___________^. I like it very much >___<. Fav ^^
agneslee Jan 09, 2006
Woo...Like the bg very much.
It seem that the bg is a key feature of this wallpaper,not the girl.
But you have a nice design in this wallpaper.
Thanks for sharing. -
Elyvania Jan 10, 2006
I just love this wall! Brown it's my favorite color and with that perfect scan, the light, the effects... all of it made this wallpaper marvelous. It's a clear feeling the one that this wall provides, it has strenght and passion fixed in each one of the visual effects, the result it's a talented perfection. I thank you for this wonder knightstar3, I think that you desserve more than 5 stars for this falling angel that goes straight to my favorites list ^___^.
PS: Did I tell you that I feel in love with all the wallpapers in your gallery? Lol you're dangerous to my credits XD, anyway ARIGATOU ^~^.
RNA072100 Jan 10, 2006
i would agree wid u on the chaotic part but heck, it came out very well in deed~! *^-^* keep up the wonderful work~! *^-^* i like it~!
Jaago54 Jan 11, 2006
wow! this one looks really cool :D been a big fan for the show for some time already and this one's the best wallpaper about it i've ever seen.. thx for sharing
volrath77 Jan 20, 2006
Brilliant use of colour here with variations in tone. The various elements in the bg meshed very nicely & I'd say they are the lynchpins for this fine wallpaper. The girl is the icing on the cake.
Excellent. Consider this one fav'ed.
lthnadml Feb 14, 2006
Very chaotic indeed . . . but still i love this chaos on the background, looks soooo cool . . . keep up the good work. XD XD XD
redangel6112 Feb 26, 2006
Your title really suits your wallie. "Falling into chaos", the wallie itself is already looks chaos plus putting hot colours (Red, Yellow, Orange and Brown) for this wallie really like someone just going to be in trouble
marcoskatsuragi Mar 13, 2006
Wow.... pretty! REally, a chaos of colors!
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