
Garou: Mark of the Wolves Wallpaper: Garou Mark of the Wolves

SNK, Fatal Fury, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, King of Fighters, Rock Howard Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

A Garou:MOTW wallpaper I made using scans from www.kawaiidream.net

And that as some would say, is that.

No other submissions


  1. EvaUnit022 Dec 30, 2005

    Kof...Kof...Ahem...Excuse me ^_^

  2. UchihaSharingan Dec 31, 2005

    Actually its Fatal Fury but KOF is pretty much the same thing, anyway First wall i've seen with Rock Howard great job thx for sharing.

  3. sakuramoon May 11, 2006

    awsome..its rock howard..hes awsome*fav*...thanks alot!

  4. sskmale Mute Member Nov 30, 2010

    Thanks You for sharing this Greatest pic!

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