
Shining Tears Wallpaper: OZONE TechnoReality

Tony Taka, Shining Tears, Blanc Neige Wallpaper
Tony Taka Mangaka Shining Tears Game Blanc Neige Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well then, currently while my photoshop is still valid, I thought i might as well make another one of such blueness and abstract shaped walls.
As usual, it is blue that i like a blue that i will do.

Mood: Drinking coffee and curing a hangover of sorts (kinda cranky)

Funk Music (DJ Tonka Mix) by David Angel (39F album)
Discotamination (Dave Angel Rework 12") by Kamaflarge
Nothing by Masters at Work (M.A.W.) feat India
Electroacoustic by Pacific Coast Away (Kerri Chandler Drive Back Mix)
Agua by Jose Padilla

Time Spent: 7 hours straight and 4 cups of caffeine

Quote: "wow....this turns out surprisingly good...I should keep it away from MT...lol"

Methods: There is a total of 15 abstract shapes in total, each gradient and halftone pattern is an alternate layer. The lines, the retouch of the circles are all done that way.
There is approx 40 layers or so, mix and match using each layer, and i used raw texts and no filters for this one.
The rest is just effects and filters. I tested over 30 kinds of effects on certain abstract shapes like the one over the side. Some were unintentional, but i thought i will just do it anyway.

Ok, now comes the ZOMG?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE GIRL!1!1! part

Personally, I got a scan, approx 400x600 in quality, I don't really know how to vector and nor do i want to really spend time on it for real...(punch me!) So what i do? I used the scan with Neon Glow(dark blue), then darkstrokes it, and then using a bit despecle and then lots of smudging.

I find the edges just too much pixelated, so instead of keeping them, I used smudge instead, cleaning out edges and then making her look like wearing a fur coat or whatever, I think the effect turn out quite luxurious and surprisingly pleasing to me.

The rest is quite self explanatory i think, It is tech based with a twist of medieval on the furryness of the cloak, but i think overall, it represents what i wanted for the wallpaper. Perhaps if anyone can provide me a better and similir scan, I will use it to my advantage. But, basically, It is my style and i will not change it to suit anyone.

I would like to dedicate to the gang at S2O thanks for making the club so active and well received.
Also, for the gang in Free Wallers Club who are the wallers who would just wall for a reason of their own, giving the goodness and making the peace! Cheers!

Oh...enjoy. I do expect some constructive comments, plz very plz...no "NICE WALLIE..eeeee...CUTE GIRLZZ (although she is not all the cute) and so on. Thanks. I am using it as my wallpaper now.

With Permission from Saikusa. Thanks! <3
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  1. Kiako Dec 25, 2005

    nice wallpaper, you always make such good looking backgrounds, the chara fits in well too and i like her pose.

  2. ScorpioKing Dec 25, 2005

    Sweel, just sweel, the GB is well desined, i might say too well ^^, but that is good right?


  3. Milkiyo Dec 26, 2005

    lol...after reading your description then only I realized she's a girl 0.0
    I thought she's a guy and that'll be very rare of u o.0
    nyu..I like the crisp design of this one..looks very..techno and has a modern taste..though the girl looks a bit..overfiltered
    *adds to fav n feature this to free--wallers* XD

  4. fawna-chan Dec 26, 2005

    Oh, the background's really good; the design's super cool. The blue's okay and the black, gray and white of the scan's contrasts with the background. Really good job. :)

  5. white-zero Dec 26, 2005

    LOL. Nice description.

    I love the techno-style BG. Wish I can do that. T__T

    However, you can touch up the scan a little more further. WITHOUT vectoring.

  6. phamthuha Dec 26, 2005

    Your amazing ^_^ I love the idea >__< Fav from me, sweetie!

  7. Ianervan Dec 26, 2005

    Hehe... Another nice work produced...

  8. uchiha-vegeta Dec 26, 2005

    gotta agree with everyone , this is AMAZING work , keep it up ^_^


  9. Susan-chan Dec 26, 2005

    ooh:) again a moderns style wally:) luv it:) by the way: where did u get the scan?:D

  10. Taurec Dec 26, 2005

    This whole paper is dragged down by the scan, got one without the scan ?
    You -> really <- should try and vector the scan .... (or find a willing party)

  11. Rikkablurhound Dec 26, 2005

    U should try n vector the scan....
    ok... Im not gonnna complain... XD
    the same goes, I wouldnt vector it too... XD
    as usual, I have nth to complain bout your abstractness, theyre good!
    The scan is nice...(well-dressed XP ) lol...
    Her pose match perfectly, u did a great job^^
    keep it up^^
    U make me guilty... T_T
    I wasnt around in S2O.... T_T
    Gome.... -_-

  12. irix Dec 26, 2005

    not bad... and with these tipe of wallpaper i like to do some again! :nya: really no! :P good one! keep the good works going! :D

  13. angelchan8123 Dec 26, 2005

    A very surreal bg. Looks cool, like the colors very nice. Excellent job on the scan. Overall an excellent job

  14. Misato-Kun Jan 03, 2006

    OoOoOoO.....Awesome! This is such a sweet wall. I love the design you used in this one. Great work, keep that caffeine going and hope to see more walls like these :D

  15. mayver123 Apr 29, 2007

    Excelent wall....yours ideas it

  16. reload Aug 13, 2007

    Nice wallpaper!

    Wallpaper 's very Cool~~ great background!

  17. TalyanaMRahl Jun 07, 2008

    i wanna need this blanc neige picture Q_Q where did you get it?!

  18. Mononoke-Hime Dec 06, 2008

    wow! this techolized look is awesome

  19. JESUSwalk Oct 30, 2009

    Wow i very much like this one of all.... ^_^

  20. Hzan Dec 12, 2009

    wow! Amazing draw........................................

  21. GoDxNero Feb 09, 2010

    i like the emi atmosfeer xD

  22. Paleologos Mar 13, 2010

    I love this wallpaper. Keep sharing.

  23. whatthesonson Jul 13, 2010

    love it. thanks for uploading this scan :D

  24. animeotaku15 Jan 06, 2011

    con rrason tantos comentarios la imagen es muy bacana

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