
Prince of Tennis Wallpaper: :':Merry Christmas:':

Takeshi Konomi, J.C. Staff, Prince of Tennis, Choutarou Ootori, Shuichiro Oishi Wallpaper
Takeshi Konomi Mangaka J.C. Staff Studio Prince of Tennis Series Choutarou Ootori Character Shuichiro Oishi Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello there...
I think this is one of my simplest wallpaper around...
I never done this type b4...
So, I hope its ok...
I cant find Atobe & Kirihara's Christmas picture... T_T
scan frm Karupin.net, Im sorry, But Ive forgotten the website, since I got this very long ago...
erm... Featuring POT,
for my newest opened group- POT-Ultimatefanclub
Merry Christmas everyone...

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  1. Inuhanyoumiko5 Dec 21, 2005

    YAY IM FIRST! Anyway who are they? o_O

  2. AngelXXX Dec 21, 2005

    OMG! Thank you sooo much for your christmas present! XD Bye! I love this wallie XD

  3. Chloe Retired Moderator Dec 21, 2005

    Yay! I love the TeniPuri Xmas cards! I have the Atobe and Kirihara (he's with Bunta) cards. Atobe is sooo friggin' sexy :9
    Anywho, thanks for sharing!

  4. gemini4life Dec 21, 2005

    I love Prince of Tennis, thanks so much for putting this together, it's on my background now, *yay I'm in the holiday mood now ^_^*

  5. nolove Dec 21, 2005

    u ha, sure it's simple, but not non-beautiful ^__^, I love all cha from prince of tennis >.<, and ur wall is so cutie, thnx for christmas present ^__^

  6. rafaellaGP Dec 21, 2005

    simple wallpaper but sooo cute!
    i like your concept
    and i love Prince of Tennis, so cute anime!
    + fav ^^
    thanks for sharing!

  7. Prydey Dec 21, 2005

    Whooo sweet wall rikka! Mmm i heard of prince of tennis from my friend...and watched it on tv its quite cool! And so is ur wall ^_^ Simple but good *thumbs up*

  8. kiukirilya Dec 21, 2005

    A simple wallie, but still great! I like the idea of all those chara in those clothes ^_^

  9. Dream24 Dec 21, 2005

    Great wallpaper! But where's Ryoma (Main character)? Perfect Xmas present for my friends! Great work!

  10. Draconis112 Dec 21, 2005

    Nice wall great work! I liked the font you used, where did you get it?

  11. walkure245 Dec 21, 2005

    This has a simple look but it's very christmasy and has nice feel to it. I liked the setup of the pictures. The bg is nice but I think you should add a few more trees and give a sense of ground with shadows. This is very nice work~ Good stuff.

  12. Milkiyo Dec 21, 2005

    err...nice photos..the concept is a bit weird but otherwise has the christmasy feeling^^

  13. Midori-chan Dec 22, 2005

    wow! a christmas wallie! XD
    the scans look great :D
    i like the christmas feeling in this wallie :nya:

    +..+**+..M e r r y C h r i s t m a s..+**+..+

  14. Sayonara Dec 22, 2005

    OMG prince of tennis.. awesome anime so awesome wall. SO kawaii ^_^ thank rikka-chan!

  15. ShiXon Dec 22, 2005

    Full of Christmas spirit! OMG Tenipurii~~ Hawt hawt hawt xP -faints-

  16. MPX88 Dec 22, 2005

    That's good but it miss something i think...

    I would add some flakes of snow (like it snowed ;) ) and holly (on the right bottom corner for example).
    It will makes more Xmas :D

    The tree with the light is very well ;)
    and the photos too :)

  17. Farewell Dec 23, 2005

    Chistmas spirit? Good wall my dear friend. n.n

  18. kensheekauru Dec 24, 2005

    is tat prince of tennis ?or...wat ever...
    it's nice 2!
    but not my favourite lar....u're the best!

  19. okaasan Dec 24, 2005

    Santa came for me and it was in the form of you posting this kick ass wallie of smex! Thank you so much for sharing this and have a wonderful Merry Christmas! ^_^

  20. pakk Dec 26, 2005

    nice picture^_^+fav

  21. trinigirl524 Dec 27, 2005

    nice work, the concept is different how theirs photos with a snowy background. anyways great job! and merry [err sorta] late christmas to you too!

  22. flyindance Dec 31, 2005

    a X'mas Wallie for all POt fans 4 celebratin X'mas!
    a great idea n a great wallie.
    thx 4 sharin XD

  23. kiku-katze Apr 14, 2006

    Very good christmas-wallpaper. Shishido looks cute!
    Momo, don't eat from the cake! * smile *

  24. mechanical-angel May 13, 2006

    nice ^^

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