You are really good!
merged: 12-20-2005 ~ 11:44pm
Merry christmas to you 2 oh that's my birthday! I am soo excited double the gifts!
wish everyone merry christmas here and hope you like this wp^^
the scan is from minitokyo >.<
Browse To Heart 2 Gallery: Recent | Popular.
You are really good!
merged: 12-20-2005 ~ 11:44pm
Merry christmas to you 2 oh that's my birthday! I am soo excited double the gifts!
You are really a TALENT WALLER! It is really a surprise that was just your second wall, and your first wall is so so
good too >_<
Fav from me, sweetie ^_^ And hope you don't mind my invitation to CW >_<
i say merry christmas 2 u 2.
That's so pretty...but isn't she cole in her outfit? Lol, just kidding. Merry Christmas to you too! :)
the watercolor effect seems to work quite well here
very cool wall. i can't wait for xmas! my b-day is 5 days after... so i know how a b-day around the biggest holiday of the year can be. i'm glad you get double the gifts though hatori55! ^.^ happy birthday and a merry christmas!
wow..u really are gifted in this^^
this is only your second wall and the extraction is flawless not to mention the interesting bg although it would be
better without the words 'moving' so much..
keep it up! XD
the texture of this wall is great. I like the way she is hanging. nice wall!
nice wallpaper the color is look great, and nice scan.
Good Job!
I juz hope Ruuko will understand Christmas... I noe she's
an alien, but I juz wish... Ruuko-chan, if u don't have any
idea what's Christmas, min if I join with u to the stars >.< !
+Faves! Thanx 4 sharing!
Nice! The colours and the bg is sweet :)
I don't know this series, but the character art is lovely! Thank you so much for sharing it! :) Have a very Merry Christmas! :D
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