fav! :)
Artist Comment
Because you live and breathe
Because you made me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl
My World....
Has twice as many stars in the sky
Ever felt love for the very first time? Kiss the girl, hold her in your arms and feel that rush of life flow in your
veins, like as if you have been reborn.
there was always someone who have loved us first.
God loved us first.
And this wallpaper is all about His love. It was based on the book of Genesis, where God created Man in His image and likeness. the couple that you see represents Adam and Eve being together, complementing each other, and the surroundings is all about God creating Earth. Notice the shooting stars? It represents God's mighty power shooting down from the skies, like Meteors rushing down, cleansing the world and re-creating, redefining what was once left undefined.
I also decided to fill this wallpaper with so much romantic imagery, as LOVE should be. Love is a very powerful force and I want to portray in this wallpaper the kind of love that is pure, wholesome and holy.
the title is Until then because this wallpaper is actually dedicated to my friends, my friends who made my year, this year, so much better by being a part of it. :p Hehe.. I honestly don't know what else to say really, I am just thankful that you guys actually became part of my life, You are God's gift to me :D And for this specific wallpaper, I am solely dedicating it to my two Norweigan friends, Benjamin and Alex. Haha, NewLife Center was more fun since you guys became friends with me too.
And as you guys would go back to Norway :( I'll miss the short time you guys spent here, this will be my farewell gift to both of you. XD
(I always try to give all my friends a gift, this one is for both of you :D)
I know that friends really just come and go... You're never sure if you'll ever see them back..
But I am hoping I will see them back..
I will see them back.
Yeah, that's the spirit!
College is soon to come and a lot of goodbyes are yet to be said :D hehe, feeling a bit nostalgic about this, it just so
happens that one of my Church buddies had to go to Norway so soon :P Departure I think would be on Jan 3 next year :p
So until then, Bon Voyage!
May God bless your strong soul and oh, don't forget to come back and visit the Philippines, go to Boracay and meet the ladies Hehe.. :)
Anyway, the wallpaper somewhat has this aura of nostalgia, like two people departing, but hey, look on the brightside, the moon is clearly shining :o
A song related to the wallpaper
It isn't a crime to want
A little space to breathe
But you'll be fine
the sun will shine on you
what ever you do
take your sweet, sweet time
I'll be right here when you change your mind...
Wallpaper Status
Walling time: around 10 hours ||| PSD: 5.54 MB (compressed), around 20 MB for the original ||| Wall Size: 1,017 KB |||
Scan Credit: Memories Off (gorgeous scans) ||| Scan Extraction: around 3 hours, together with filtering and cleansing
tool used: My trusty Adobe PhotoShop 7.0
Lyrics copyright Jesse McCartney (songs include Because You Live and take your sweet time
:D Favs and Comments, Critiques are highly appreciated =p
I somewhat got inspired and made this wallpaper for my two Church buddies. Wherever you are right now, may God bless you.
Here are 2 other wallpapers, not done by me.. which I got inspiration from.
More Memories Off Wallpapers
Browse Memories Off Gallery: Recent | Popular.
MizuhofanFFX2 Restricted Member Dec 20, 2005
akito85 Dec 20, 2005
Very nice wallie I really like it... it's awesome =3
anyway I'll add it into my fave XD XD -
Icewind Dec 20, 2005
great wall dude
Xueli Dec 20, 2005
nice wall. I like the bg and the moon
Koi89 Dec 20, 2005
thank you for everyone who commented so far! :)
zaira Dec 20, 2005
I love the bg! nice moon! the colours of the space really soo cool! i love also those shooting stars! the clouds is nice! even the mountains though the water is m... oh well never mind... i love your nice description it is about the God's creation which is great! XD nice scan btw ehehe +fav! :D
bbls Dec 20, 2005
wowie...very beautiful and romantic wallie here!
i luv the off-balance perspective of your wallie...that is so perfect for your theme because love really keeps you off-balanced sometimes and you're not quite yourself... ^_^'
you also did a lovely job with your background scenery and included such wonderful details with the shooting stars and mountains...they give such nice appearances of power.
but perhaps the extraction may need more tweaking because the edges look a bit jagged?
overall, your concept and composition is just fantastic and lovely! :D -
Milkiyo Dec 20, 2005
hey..I know that song! it's because u live from jesse mccartney! XD
I love his songs..the bg..simply beautiful and the scan suits well with the theme^^
well done..+fav -
fawna-chan Dec 20, 2005
Oh, that's so pretty...I really love that scan. The background's not bad either! Good job! :D
Kiako Dec 20, 2005
nice wallpaper,
the two charas look cute and i also like the moon on the top.
keep it up -
Zoamel Dec 20, 2005
Romantic XD
The scan is a bit to sharp but the background is simply great! :) -
Rella Dec 20, 2005
That looks so romantic! The background scene is perfect for that scan. You did wonderfully though the scan is a little too sharpened. Good job!
XDE Mute Member Dec 21, 2005
Excellent Wall, I Like The Meaning Of It And The How The Surroundings Look, Great Job, This Wall Goes To My Favs, Thanks For Sharing Such An Awesome Wallpaper :)
dingi Dec 21, 2005
Niceee, I think it is reallly cute. i love the background colors reallly err.... fantasy like? =D
alterlier Dec 21, 2005
is sure a nice and well done wallpaper, the moon looks really beautiful.
fav -
Genevieve-galz Dec 22, 2005
Truly magnificent! Excellent combination i say!
i really love the superb details u added to the backgound! fantastic stuff :) The scenery u choose sort of blend wit the scan altogether! ;)
man u deserve 3 thums up! lol!
hey keep it up n gd luck wit ur next sumissions!
Nice wallpaper, fer real!
Gosh, i really wish da gurl was mi... XD XD -
g-money Dec 22, 2005
I have a question: what anime are the characters from? If I'm not mistaken, it's from Memories Off, but that is a whole bunch of OVAs and I'm not too sure about that.
Koi89 Dec 23, 2005
anime = memories off; personally, i haven't seen the series. i just found this scan goo to use for walling. :)
chalailee Dec 23, 2005
there is no word to say but its wonderful...thx share...keep goiing my friend...
fudgeCake Jan 10, 2006
coooooooooooooooolllll! i love the walli!
u a christian? :) -
cherry12 Feb 11, 2006
like OMG it's soooooooooo kawaii! ^0^
KoutaMiyafuji Mar 04, 2006
to the favs! *-* this is one of my favs images! *-* thanks for the wall!
Matosa Mar 11, 2006
Que tierno! me encantó la imagen!
mechanical-angel Apr 05, 2006
+ fave
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