So you did learn alot, sweetie ^_^ But i see alot of stuff need to be fix here:
- the tree, you over did it ....
- the grass, some feet of them come to the water.... why not del it ?
- the water, i think before you do the chrome, try to make some more brush with it and the use the motion blur so it
will look more real ^_^
- the wing, that is a handmade wing, so you should make it smaller, sweetie ^_^
- Ah, so about the font, you did have some now ^_^ But i think the font should be at the left bottom and put in it some
bevel and emboss effect to make it more nice ^_^ Some shadow effect is good too >_<
- the tree behind the girl, um.... i think it is too blur and not clear enough to see ^_^'
- the moon, it is ahuh.... it missed the depth of the moon and i think more pattern will work
- the shadow of the girl, should be motion blur abit and then overlay to the water, sweetie ^_^
So i did comment alot TT_TT Sorry, sweetie, but your skill is improving so i must be hard to you >_<
Wanna fix it? I will wait for your update, sweetie ^_^
Artist Comment
I really love Hyung tae Kim's artwork....
This is the biggest work Ive done, I hope its not ugly, since its my first time doing so much in a wall....
I know the lake looks a bit square... >_<
But I hope its ok...
I finally got some fonts XD
hope U like it...
Hope the wings arent weird too....
since I couldnt put another gradient layer on top, as the whole BG change because of that, I only put gradient
overlay... >_<
Well... hope u like it...
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phamthuha Dec 16, 2005
Milkiyo Dec 16, 2005
dude..I mean..girl..the water reflection is a bit weird @.@ so is the ghostly trees but the scan and the wings are quite nice together although it'll be better with more designs on the wings..
erm..sorry..the whole thingy is weird altogether >.>merged: 12-16-2005 ~ 04:03pm
ok..the updated version is better but try not putting the glow effect >.> and more stars to the sky would be more magical..erm..sorry..can u do something about the water? T.T -
Devildude Dec 16, 2005
u updated it, yes, very good, but the relfection is kind of weird.
the water does not look very real, the overall effects is good, missing some detail however. I can see some hairline extraction problems with the hairs, probably nothing, i like the theme, but i think the choosing of the character is kind of weird. Basically a good wall. but needs a lot more work. -
nolove Dec 16, 2005
uh yah, oh, that's I must say >< You improve a lot >.<, the water looks a bit weird ><, maybe it should be work more ><, the grass, uhm the space between grass and lake ><, what's it call? Oh, a bit doesnt fit with each grass and lake ><, oh uhm, u know the lake is square, so why dont u fix it >.<, just turn the grass over the angle and then blur the lake a bit ><, but the wings are pretty great ^^, i cant do smooth and lovely as that ><
Oh, surely a fav for u ^^, and u really improve much much. Rikka-chan ^__^, lets keep up, and I'll always support u -
rafaellaGP Dec 16, 2005
very nice!
really the water does not look very real, but i like this wall!
the girl is beautiful!
i like the hair!
+ fav!^^
great work.
Farewell Dec 17, 2005
Man, you did a really good job my friend. The girl is really pretty and in the bg you did a really good job. Still the water is a little weird but who cares? Amazing job. n.n
Sayonara Dec 17, 2005
Good job Rikka the girl is so kawaii and the bg makes a perfect match with the girl. Thanks for sharing. ^_^
trinigirl524 Dec 17, 2005
oh my i absolutely love the new style from you. its good that you're broadening your skills.
and i believe this is your first scenery wallie? i think. but anyways
wow. phamthuha really pointed out everything about this wallie. but i agree you're really improving so it makes sense to criticize constructively.
well since phamthuha said basically everything needed. i'll just state:
Yay! you got the font XD and it contrasts nicely with the whole wallpaper this time.
anyhoo keep up the great work ^^ -
kiukirilya Dec 18, 2005
Wow, this is cool! I like this wallie!
phamthuha pointed out every things, I don't have anything else to add...
But you really are improving! keep it up! -
chibichibikaukau Dec 19, 2005
its very cute^^ i like the colors^^
revontulet Dec 22, 2005
Hey! Thats cool and somewhat abstracty! Ur so creative ^^! Everytime i check ur gallery its got great work that keeps improving, congrats!
Elves Dec 22, 2005
Nice work on this wallpaper. I'm glad to see that you've delved into something other than clouds. ;) I really like how you've composed things in this wall they all work well together. The water thing that people are talking about I would see as a stylized item, something that wasn't supposed to look real - so I like it as it is. I would suggest that the tree in the background have some feathering effects done to it since it just sort of stops on a defined edge for the leaves. I really like the reflection of the character in the pond being distorted, but stratigically her face is in tack - nice. Good job on the text of the title, and the sky.
You're improving on your skills, the only way to do that is to practice, practice, practice. And you're doing that part awesomely. I'm actually kind of jealous of all the wallpapers you've been able to make. *cries* I want some free time to make wallies! :( (I've got one in the works, but I still need to finish it!) Darn all my time consuming activities! XD
kensheekauru Dec 24, 2005
i like tAT PICTURE!
it was so nice!
nice work
n good luck.....wish u a merry christmas
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