OO i really like the sword added to this wallpaper. It looks great, and has a nice effect on the overall feel of the picture. Great work!

1280x1024 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
I think I found the stock image of Tifa here... don't remember >_<.
The sword was part of the scan, and makes me remember the part in the beginning of AC when Kadaj kicks it over. So here's my attempt at recreating that mountain (eh somewhat... I know I'm missing the rock piles and stuff >_<, although there's a little trail down there where the action happens ^^), along with that whole techy web thing where it had a few credits ^^. Again, the whole BG was made by scratch in Photoshop (along with the help of Terragen :))
A few days went into this, and I hope no one has walled this image yet... though they probably have due to my slow walling abilities >_<.
Thanks for your time, and please enjoy ^^!
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FullMetal8 Dec 13, 2005
JakobderLugner Dec 13, 2005
Great stuff! Love the work on the landscaping. However, I think it would be better if the BG were a little, err, sketchier (artsier?). Seems kinda weird (at least to me) with a cel stock and a 3D bg. However, again, GREAT rendering.
KazeNoKizu Dec 13, 2005
OOO Nice wall! I love the tifa scan. I like the overall mood of the wall too *favs*
cloudcool Dec 13, 2005
wow , how nice wall .
TIFA is so wonderful .
THX a lot. -
TheCreator Dec 13, 2005
nice work all work good together
+fav -
ayanechan Dec 13, 2005
awesome job riku! the tech stuff looks fantastic. ahh the mountains~ terragen <3 keep it up!
Milkiyo Dec 13, 2005
wow..this is one pic seldom seen here..plus..it's featuring my fav anime too^^
*adds to fav* XD -
R-lancer Dec 13, 2005
hey nice wall of advent children! keep it up
kal91 Dec 13, 2005
I had to stop reading your comment when it looks like you were about to describe a scene. This is another reminder I've not watch FF7:AC yet.
The background looks a bit lifeless. But then again, given her expression, maybe you are striving for the desolate look
hidekeitaro Dec 13, 2005
Excellent wallpaper. The montains on the bg are very nice and combine with the image of the Tifa and the Sword's Cloud XD
Congratullations :D -
xenogear238 Dec 13, 2005
awesome wallie of tifa
novianorby Dec 13, 2005
totaly love it, if this wp had cloud in it, it would it be better, my god, i wish i had the same talent as everyone thats does this aka good, got to say totaly fanatical
MasterPivot Dec 13, 2005
Excellent work!
It looks so clean and sharp. And the boxes nicely distinguishes this wallpaper from any other. -
Saikusa Retired Moderator Dec 13, 2005
This is so sweet! I've loved this picture, ever since I first saw it on nekkeau's site ~ and that was before the film was released, so no-one really knew at the time that the Buster Sword was being used as a memorial to Zack at that stage.
I like the way you've located it on the cliff edge. Your background shows a lot of work, and consideration not to oer-shadow Tifa. Really good work ~ I'm envious ^.~
dusk Dec 14, 2005
whoa pretty
KyouS Dec 20, 2005
Greatly Done i just love tifa in the movie she looks so goot
knarf Dec 24, 2005
Beautiful picture! Tifa is drawn very nicely and the art is fantastic!
kira-freedom Dec 25, 2005
Nice pic^_^
azdvmc Jan 08, 2006
ah Tifa, *sigh* so cute xD
nimiru Jan 09, 2006
tifa is sOoOoOo much more prettier than aeris! don't u guys agree?
ANYwayz! nice wallie of tifa!^^
Dreamer25 Jan 15, 2006
OMG that is a wonderful scan. Tifa is one of my FAVORITE girl characters. Sorry to anyone about this, but SCREW AERIS. There I typed it. Anyways I love the fact that Cloud's old buster sword is there and Tifa is sitting there daydreaming. (adds to favs.)
naruto5my Jan 15, 2006
perfectly done. XD nice combination!
owasephiroth Jan 20, 2006
Oh Geez... that is a great wall, thx thx thx
Feirai Jan 31, 2006
the sword! the sword! I love the sword! and the background is just so rite....... :) Thank you for your work!
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