
SaiKano Wallpaper: Forever Wandering

Shin Takahashi, SaiKano, Chise Wallpaper
Shin Takahashi Mangaka SaiKano Series Chise Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

:nya: new wallie. Saikano: Forever Wandering
with the usage of very cool tree brushes from LadyVictoire at devianart.net. :) thanx so much.

not much to say, as usual. ^^''
okie then, hope you like. thanx for viewing anyways.

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  1. phamthuha Dec 12, 2005

    Amazing as always ^_^ I just wish the scan should be lighter but it is nice as it is ^_^ One fav from me and feature this lovely item, sweetie ^_^

  2. jaderabbit Dec 12, 2005

    woah... amazingly brillant.

  3. AngelKate Dec 12, 2005

    Woooow...amazing! Really amazing! I love the backgorund, its so pretty and it looks so real. :) Great work! ^_^

  4. ankokujose Dec 12, 2005

    amazing wall ^^!
    great! how long have you take making it?

    you must teach me !
    u_u i just have the photoshop ..eventhogh i havent used it that well...

  5. Crescentvn Dec 12, 2005

    Saikano wallies it's been long time I don'tsee them. Sunset makes this wall looks more sad, but it's ok since this anime is tragedy. good work, fav for u.

  6. quantixar Dec 12, 2005

    Aww, so sad wallpaper of chise. Did great job with it, keep it up!

  7. rythem Dec 12, 2005

    the bg scenery is really nice , u blended the colours well n made a lovely sunset XD
    the scan is a lil dark though , I mean it seems a lil flat .. >_< the rest is fine ~ lovely work :D

  8. zaira Dec 12, 2005

    love tohse trees! the sunset look sky is soo cool! i love the scan though its a little dark.. but oh well! the wallie is nice sooo +fav! XD wakekeke

  9. ShiXon Dec 12, 2005

    The sunset is really beautiful and it's blending with more sunsetty colors and it just looks gorgeous!

  10. Rhonda21 Dec 12, 2005

    The background is just so beautiful. I love it. Well Great Work!

  11. Acuni Dec 12, 2005

    wow this looks great
    i like the sun set and the chara in the front
    everything fits

  12. nolove Dec 12, 2005

    wow wow, so beautiful, so pretty as all ur wall I've ever seen ^__^, really great color, and the BG iz so cute ^^
    A fav for it :D

  13. Lordzaku3 Mute Member Dec 12, 2005

    Quote by Acuniwow this looks great
    i like the sun set and the chara in the front
    everything fits

    good :)

  14. kal91 Dec 12, 2005

    This looks great. You've found the perfect background for this I'm amazed how well she fit into it. Did you have to do much touch up on her to fit her into the bg?

  15. Angel-on-Dragon Dec 12, 2005

    Really beautiful wallpaper ^^ The coloration of the bg looks really great.
    Thanks for sharing ^^ *adds to fav*

  16. Akira-san Dec 13, 2005

    Wow, it's really nice... the colors are perfect, some of the bests sunset skies I saw in mt, I can see your wallies are being better very fast, I loved this one... at the first view I thought it was a stock but I was wrong, you did a good job with the brushes ^^
    Well, not so much things to say... just loved it and wanted to make something like. Nice job! +fav

  17. bbls Dec 13, 2005

    i luv your composition here, and the sunset is absolutely gorgeous!
    and is that a stock image of the ocean in the background? well if it is, then it's integrated seamlessly with the rest of your wall!
    i think your background colors with those oranges and reds really compliment the tortured and pained look of your scan.
    beautifully done!

  18. Wish24 Dec 14, 2005


  19. iarly Dec 14, 2005

    The scenery is just beautiful. Somehow the bright colors of the sunset in the background contrast with the grim look of the scan, making it seem even more sad. Definitely a fave.

  20. sangel99 Dec 16, 2005

    Holy crap....this is so lovely............+FAV!

  21. hamburger89 Dec 16, 2005

    kirei....i love this wallpaper...^o^with the best sunset scenery...the girl is pretty sad...she is crying.... well ^^ thanks +fav
    GREAT JOB ^^

  22. Pisces Dec 18, 2005

    Nice Work!

  23. volrath77 Dec 18, 2005

    Hot diggety damn! What a colourful piece of work! XD

    There is a lot of ambience and atmosphere here. If I may comment - the vegetations at the foreground seem to be a bit to sparse, transparent & I think they're a bit too tall. Other than that, this is an excellent work. Good, very good.

  24. AkiraK Dec 25, 2005

    really great work a little sad but still great^^

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