
Shin Megami Tensei: Pixie..

Okama, Kazuma Kaneko, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei, Pixie (Persona)
Okama Mangaka Kazuma Kaneko Mangaka Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Game Shin Megami Tensei Series,OVA,Game Pixie (Persona) Character


Artwork by Okama from "Shin Megami Illustrations Kazuma Kaneko & Tribute Works". I scanned this art from a book I own.

Note: I believe this to be a rendition of the neutral demon "Pixie"..

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  1. SilentMasamune Dec 10, 2005

    This is a very neat scan. It looks quite demonic at that. With the right materials used and the exceptional elements that come together to make up a wallpaper suitable for this scan, I believe that a good wallpaper would be pulled off. I think I shall get to work.

  2. ozma255 Dec 10, 2005

    This one is my favorite from your recent submissions, I like the colors in this scan and thanks for sharing. Your taste in art is very good hence the great scans, just keep hem coming. :) +fav

  3. marcoskatsuragi Dec 10, 2005

    Pixie one! Another cool persona from the game.... the last pixie of the game are just... powerfull! ^^

  4. Midori-chan Dec 11, 2005

    wow! she's cute^^
    like the bg a lot^^

  5. lthnadml Dec 11, 2005

    Cute! . . . thank you. XD XD XD

  6. markjo Dec 18, 2005

    I'm not really sure, but something about her pose seems to be unnatural...

  7. sukie Dec 18, 2005

    it's so cute! but her body is a bit distorted T.T

  8. Jember880314 Sep 14, 2007

    Wow super cute fairy eh ?
    Nice art

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