
Akane Ikegami Wallpaper: Not Odinary

Akane Ikegami Wallpaper
Akane Ikegami Mangaka

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi, everyone...^^
Its been so long since I've made an abstract wall...
I hope this ones ok...
It took quite a long time really....
hmm... Lets just say Im not really happy with the results...
But I hope u'll like it anyway...
thanks to devildude for the scan... ^^

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  1. Milkiyo Dec 06, 2005

    hey..the scan is cute^^
    the bg is ok..er..purple's not my fav..sorry T.T

  2. keevang Dec 06, 2005

    i'm attracted by da BG XD
    oooooh~ is tht a cat she's taking? XP
    *pokes on cat*

  3. lloydX Dec 06, 2005

    hehe... Although i dont know what anime it is...but you still done a fast job... like what i say previously, you are my idol.. XD.. somehow i feel that the wallpaper is missing something important... but i dont know how to describe the thing that "miss". Anyway, purple is my fav color... :)... Hope to see your next wallie..


  4. phamthuha Dec 06, 2005

    The effect is nice ^_^ I think you should put in more bright color (oh, that must be the problem of my taste >_<)
    For this cool work, i can give you 6/10, sweetie ^_^ Sorry so much for the mark, i think you do improve so the rank of 10 will be higher ^_^ Fav and feature to CW!

  5. enchantressinthedark Dec 06, 2005

    Wow! You have lots of walls lately rikka-chan! ^^ And this is definitely one of your best! Next to your Shuffle wallie, that is ^^ You're getting better....Keep it up girl! ;)

  6. kiukirilya Dec 06, 2005

    I love the colors! beautiful wallie!
    keep it up!

  7. Sayonara Dec 06, 2005

    supper-dupper-kawaii. Kuuute wall ^_________^

  8. Devildude Dec 06, 2005

    Hey there, i see you used my scan, you are welcome.
    The wallpaper is nice, i like the lights flowing from her a source of energy, now that is cool. but the font is kind of plain however, i prefer to say that it is better if you redesigned the fonts to complement the overall nice wall. Everything else is plain great!

  9. semanga Dec 06, 2005

    very nice this work from u
    the bg and the cute girl everything is so looking nice girl
    maybe not my fav work from u but i love it nevertheless
    and put it to my fav

  10. pamkips Dec 06, 2005

    oooohhhh the abstractness it sooo purple
    its a cuteish wallie, great job....eeeee

  11. ArtificialRaindrop Dec 06, 2005

    Great job on the extraction, to begin with. I like the purpleness of it all, and the effects used for the abstract background. The font style seems a lil plain, but the color effect used on it is cool. Overall, Pretty nifty ^-^

  12. DepressedYoukai Dec 06, 2005

    Purply ish a good color! x33 I love the bg and the effects that you put in! ^_^ Very good I say, you should be proud of it ^^

  13. Genevieve-galz Dec 07, 2005

    nice purple wall rikka! :)
    wahz... da background loks good to me, altho its a little bright x_x arh, yesh da wonderful scan u used is sooo cuuutey n pretty really blends wit da bg Wow@! @_@
    okey yea da text could b better but nonetheless can deny ur a very good waller! :)
    gd luck wit ur next wall den :) ganbatte!

  14. kirakwen1989 Dec 07, 2005

    a great wall!i think it wil b beter if u add sumtig or color at that white space..

  15. DarthAya Dec 07, 2005

    nice bg! its well done! I like the light and abstract effects! keep it up!

  16. trinigirl524 Dec 08, 2005

    i like the abstract effect in the background. but theres a lot of empty space and the text is simple here as well. though the character blends nicely, filling up some of the white areas can help overall. but besides that great job

  17. chibichibikaukau Dec 08, 2005

    i love it! she is so cute^^ and the colors so pretty!

  18. Zero8888 Mute Member Dec 20, 2005

    a well done wallpaper
    keep up the good work

  19. upheaval325 Mar 13, 2006

    she's really pretty...the background is lovely..like the great colours and effects...very nice, well done!

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