
Snow (Visual Novel) Wallpaper: Winter sonata

Kobuichi, Asuka Pyon, Studio Mebius, Snow (Visual Novel), Sumino Yukizuki Wallpaper
Kobuichi Mangaka Asuka Pyon Mangaka Studio Mebius Studio Snow (Visual Novel) Visual Novel Sumino Yukizuki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Wallpaper using a pencil board scan of mine that I've wanted to use for ages. I have no snow where I live, so this wall is just sentimental indulgence. :D

Text, manuscript, and feather brushes are mine, winter brushes from http://angelic-trust.net.

More Snow (Visual Novel) Wallpapers

Browse Snow (Visual Novel) Gallery: Recent | Popular.

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  1. charmyc Dec 05, 2005

    Simply beautiful. I like the rabits ^^

  2. AngelKate Dec 05, 2005

    Oooh, how beautiful! I looove winter wallies. ^_^ This one gives off a perfect winter feeling. The music sheet in the background is a very unique idea, and matches with the title of your wall. Great job!

  3. Rhonda21 Dec 05, 2005

    This is beautiful. I love winter and I love seeing winter walls! The bunny is cute! The ice and the snowflakes and everything looks really cool! I don't have any snow where I live either. Oh and the text and the manuscript look nice. Wonderful Work!

  4. Odysseus Dec 05, 2005

    I agree a rather beautifule wall. I love your concept of the manuscript in the background, it fits perfectly... somehow. Doesn't sound like it would but it loks great. The bunnies are cute and the whole winter feeling is capture perfectly here. Trees are good but I think they seem a little.. umm, too short? Maybe it's just me, something seems a tad off about their height. Course I'm not that good at persepctive... Whatever the case excellent wall.

  5. rafaellaGP Dec 05, 2005

    so cute!
    the bg is Wonderfu!
    and the bunny is cute! XD
    love it!

  6. Acuni Dec 05, 2005

    looks great
    i like all the prety effects and all the colours but the title doesn't fit well to it XD

  7. chaosmongoose Banned Member Dec 05, 2005

    the entire wallpaper is wounderful! this is great you did an amazing job on this. bunny on her head is really great. A+

  8. lin1011 Dec 05, 2005

    Nice work! The background color is great, and the trees look fantastic!

  9. spider-x Banned Member Dec 06, 2005

    i love what u did with this wall and the bg is amzing nice work it's a fav by me

  10. Millenia Dec 06, 2005

    Sugoi-desu! So pretty bg! I like the girld and the cute rabbit ^___^ good work! +fav!

  11. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Dec 06, 2005

    i already told you so, but beautiful wallie sylvacoer-san! at first glance i thought it was a fruits basket scan... lol! ^_^' well, i love the background... the sheet music fits in perfectly with the scenery and i love those bare tree branches! they really give the wallie a "wintery" feel! keep up the great work! :D

  12. quantixar Dec 06, 2005

    Great, a winter wallpaper for cold days. :)

  13. aishiteraburu Dec 06, 2005

    wow sylva-san
    its really beautiful
    great winter theme i also don't have snow where i live but its still cold
    anyway love this wall

  14. nolove Dec 06, 2005

    wow, very cuite wall, Sylvacoer-san, oah, thiz wall is being used for your userpage, right? it's so so cutie, good for winter and Christmas ^^. Very good wall
    A fav from me ^__^

  15. lulu-chan Dec 06, 2005

    wow really nice wallie I dont have snow in my place too but this wall is good it all belong really well...:) thx for sharing

  16. IzumiChan Dec 06, 2005

    Beauty! ^o^
    I've always liked this girl ^-^
    Kawaii ^_^
    The bg is wonderful. It seems that everything is dancing ^.^ The girl is highlighted and the feathers and the music sheet are so well blended ^.^
    Well, I don't know how to explain, but I really liked it >.<
    Great job! ^___^

  17. benni Dec 06, 2005

    great wall! its going into my season walls XD thx a alot! ^^V

  18. b3nitora Dec 07, 2005

    ::squeels:: BUNNY! Adorable! The background is chuck full of wintery goodness! Another kicka$$ wallpaper!

  19. bbls Dec 07, 2005

    the composition is so wonderful here because i can really get a sense of your winter theme!
    and the music sheet in the background was such an interesting and beautiful touch to your wallie.
    i also really luv your brush work...especially the lovely snowflakes.
    and it's so sad that we don't get snow here, isn't it? :(
    but this wallie really helps with the holiday spirit... :D

  20. cassandra91 Dec 07, 2005

    Very nice! Like it a lot! Winter.Winter.Winter!
    Ah!Wish Malaysia have winter!

  21. Ephemeral-Garden Dec 07, 2005

    Cute presentation indeed. ^^ Eh? You're saying that the place you live doesn't have snow eh? Now that's something that I really dunno...

    But anyways, the scan really blends with the snowy white background. The trees, music lyrics and all those effects are just right; they don't take too much attention away from the main scan.

    But the white snowflakes at the upper left of the wall kinda.. distracting though. Maybe those can be remove. ^^

    But overall, a fluffy white snowy wall indeed. ^^

  22. Ying Dec 07, 2005

    Oh beautiful! I like all the texyures you used ,makes it feel really frosty!
    The rabbit is veeery cute! -^_^-

  23. Zero8888 Mute Member Dec 09, 2005

    i like it

  24. ipio Mute Member Dec 09, 2005

    shes so cute with the bunny on her head^^

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