
Soukyuu no Fafner Wallpaper: Hitori Ja Nai~

Hisashi Hirai, Xebec, Soukyuu no Fafner, Soushi Minashiro, Kazuki Makabe Wallpaper
Hisashi Hirai Mangaka Xebec Studio Soukyuu no Fafner Series Soushi Minashiro Character Kazuki Makabe Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

More than six months - not walling.. x_x
it's been like ... a torture .. well, sort of..
Somehow I got a bit of a spare time now, and here it is, my newest work, fresh from PS.
This is one of my simpler works,.. tho, originally, I want to add color to the whole background, but I couldn't find a nice match, so I let it be that way. It turned out nicely IMO,... because maybe the B/W bg contrasting a lot with the characters.. I hope you like this 'unusual' presentation.

Rilly sorry for 4:3 screen ratio users, because for this particular wall I made it in 1280x1024 (LCD) res only. >_< Gomen~

_________________________________(...) will soon also be available in [url=www.crash.inweb.dk][FRAGMENTS][/url]


Chosen by biriwilg and jasmine

KorganoS’ back with his walling skills :D This wall has a very interesting composition (well balanced and effective) with a unique perspective. I love how the background is all kept in grey-tones that make the whole atmosphere sad and make the scan the central focus. Another big plus of this wall is, in my humble opinion ;), that it works also for people who do not like or have not watched the series :P *highlighted*

Proposed by biriwilg and highlighted by jasmine.

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  1. MistressPookyChan Nov 30, 2005

    Good to see you wallpapering again! It looks very nice and professional. The monotone background is great and adds a nice contrast.

  2. tareren Nov 30, 2005

    Wuih, Korgie is back!
    Hehe, glad to see you wall again :)
    I like the effect that you put to the guy on the back ;)
    And though it is black and white, it does turn out nicely, cos I think it would be difficult (as you said) to match any color with that purple green yellow thing, oh well, maybe blue?
    >_< Looks kinda empty though >_>
    Wall more!

  3. cerena Nov 30, 2005

    wow, korgieeee, long time no c, our group miss u so much >.< ok about ur wall.

    well, it is a great decided to let it B/W it makes eyes go directly to the chara. nice contrasting. the texture that u gave is very cool. i can sense very magical type of it HEHEHEHE...

    i like it B/W if u put color, the charas will not match on it. NICE DUDE! XD add to fav

  4. phamthuha Nov 30, 2005

    WOW! It is amazing >_<! i can't say anything else.... all the effect are excellent! Fav from me ^_^

  5. BlackRoses Nov 30, 2005

    great job! :) I like the scan, and I really think u succeded with the bg ^^ *add to favvs*

  6. dans Nov 30, 2005

    huh? i thought you're gonna make a doujinshi wall ?_? your next submission, maybe ?
    the B/W really turned out nice. i like this. :D

  7. Hideki313 Nov 30, 2005

    i really like Fafner!
    this scan is really nice .. i like it!
    the BG is very suitable ... big thx for that

  8. Susan-chan Nov 30, 2005

    yeah u are alive:D i missed your works:) i like this work too:) i hope u will make more wallys works etc from now on:)

  9. MuZ0NaZ Nov 30, 2005

    Oh shit, you're back! And you almost scared me, I thought you walled shinn *_* Anyway, pretty good come back wall ^_^ the characters really stand out against the monotone background.

  10. pamkips Nov 30, 2005

    oh meh gooodiness! this is super awesome...such a great wall. The way it's expressing all this shinyness is cool...i sound dumb right now ^_^'

  11. XDarkDestinyX Nov 30, 2005

    I like the simple look, it's used quite nicely. The black and white background simply stands behind them, letting them take the full light and focus. ^.^ I wouldn't say it's one of your best, but it's still one of the good ones~

  12. tecnophreak Nov 30, 2005

    nice man. nice. not the usual type of perspective, which DEFINATELY caught my attention, and a good blending between BG and scan. i woulda put the text in the middle though :P

  13. MyrrhLynn Nov 30, 2005

    What's with all the awesome fafner wall lately? o_O Humm when I first saw it I thought maybe it would be better if the background was colored, but now that I look at it again I think I like it better in black and white like you have it. :)

  14. rythem Dec 01, 2005

    wo0t korgie ~ >w< neat wallie here ~ as usual XD I love the composition of the 2 charas n the bg fits in well , even in black n white XP lol great job ^^

  15. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Dec 01, 2005

    Hey Korg, its been like ages but at least your living life and you getting back to walling is strange isnt it? o_o but yeah i love the portrayal here but the text seem out of place for some reason but a good effeort from a hiatus is well deserved.... nice job! :P

  16. Val3f0r Dec 01, 2005

    Wb Korganos, a very simple nice wall, eventhough it's not colourful but it does turn out to be great by black and white only. Only one thing that bugging me though that is the text, seems like not really fit, that is just me thinking :P

    Well, welcome back anyway and you haven't lost your touch of walling :P keep it up...

  17. Devilet Dec 01, 2005

    So here's the wallpaper we should of expect? I thought it was a GSD wallpaper for a second, looks so much like Shin XD But I have yet to see that anime .. Hehe, black and white makes it look sad, so I think it works IMO, another colour would make it look weird. The text is ... kind of not fitting, I still like this wallpaper, it's simple and calm, good job from your walling vacation.

  18. OneWingTenshi Dec 01, 2005

    You are back...yeah...oh well...I have not come back for like a month...the people normally dont show up have finally made their appearance now...I know you are gone for like really long...so yeah...it is nice to know that your walling again...I think your skill has not rusted yet...so you probably forgot me...but anyway...your wall still looks amazing no matter what...!

  19. Sayonara Dec 01, 2005

    God, this wall is just soo amazing.. .. +FAV for sure. Thanks for the hard work.. and welcome back!

  20. AkinaSpirit Dec 01, 2005

    "Soushi! Soushi! Soushi!" . . . whoops! Gomen~ got caught in the moment of Kazuki screaming for Soushi @_@ *wanders off* -_-
    Well okay, although I'm not to keen on how Kazuki n' Soushi were like... it got interesting towards the end~ nice to see you back.

  21. chibi-lizard Dec 03, 2005

    omigosh ! korgie ish finally back from the underworld :D

    and soukyuu no fafner !~<3 just when right of left ish coming XD

    awesome work as usual .. seems you haven't rusted much ^_^'

    the black & white bg reallie makes the scan stand out

    good work on it !~

    can't wait to see your next one

  22. walkure245 Dec 05, 2005

    It has been a while. ^_^ But you never lost your touch, have you? I do like the contrast of b/w versus the color scans. It makes the moment more ethereal. Like even through darkness, there is always light and color. I like how the top person was blended in contrast to the guy and the bg. Also, good stuff with the lighting. Really awesome work!

  23. Evanrued Dec 05, 2005

    Really nice wall. Even though the background is just a fixture of black and white, it still looks good. It creates a really nice contrast. I like it. And it makes me want to look into The GS series. Excellent work all out. ^^

  24. shinorei Dec 08, 2005

    It's great to see you wallpapering again, your works are absoutely gorgeous!
    Ah, Gundam Seed wallpaper, I seem to have got tired of this anime, it's widely wallpapered. -_-
    Nevertheless, you did a great job and I like it. :)
    Keep up the great work!

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