there's nothing to say, except you make the impossible happen. not that many people can pull off making these kinds of walls, except for you.... good thing i captured yu when i did <3
Artist Comment
Short and sweet: Brom gave me the scan and I fell in love. Oddly, even though it was a clear and simple scan, I had a
difficult time with this one. I spent a lot of hours on this---wings were a pain.
Big thanks and hugs to Saki and Brom for their patience and help along the way. Happy Birthday Brom; I'm sorry
it's not exactly what you had in mind.
More resolutions over at Antique ... eventually.
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shyxsakura Retired Moderator Nov 24, 2005
chaosmongoose Banned Member Nov 24, 2005
you did a truly amazing job here! keep it up!
DayBreak Nov 24, 2005
The sexy~
Love the vector ^_^
The Background is nice. Bravo on vectoring those wings ;P -
ayaki Nov 25, 2005
oh wow..the vector looks amazing...endless hours..but it's worth it...cuz it's so beautiful...
look @ the wings....@_@
love the swirls and the cloud....and the textured version :P
i don't think it looks simple at all. *_*
great wall!~ -
Jim3535 Nov 25, 2005
I definitely prefer the untextured version. Maybe it's because I like super smooth images with no rough surfaces, or maybe the texturing reminds me of bad scans too much. Or it could be that since anime is cell shaded, it goes more naturally with the character.
cloudymirror22 Nov 25, 2005
beautifull wallpaper. really like it. must check out more from the same artist
markjo Nov 26, 2005
Somehow I also prefer the textured version - to me this one looks empty in the background. As usually, two thumbs up for the awesome vector work!
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2005
Huzzah Rockie. lovely image you vectored with the simply beautiful bg of gooodness... the jagged clouds? what jagged clouds im blind as a bat here but yeah nice work as usual girl! ^__^ Fava flava!
flyindreams Nov 27, 2005
...I like the textured version better too. It seems less stark than the non-textured version :) I'd give the "whatever you think best" spiel but if it's specially requested by brom... :D I don't know much about the series but I don't think I've seen a dark wallie for it yet. I love how the design flows... *_* and I like the logo bit a lot :D Really beautiful job rockiee!
...can I steal your vectoring skills? t_t
calisqo Nov 28, 2005
Impressed >.<"
I like that vector a LOT
awesome work , clarity and quality both together a the same time XD
The sky thingy could be more abstarct though imo, it kinda stands out as a deviding line.
Nonethelss Xd awesome workPS: texture is cooler i think XD
danielelric Nov 29, 2005
congratulations for the vectoring work, you maked it pretty well ;) and even that the background is simple fits well i think, n_n
ozma255 Nov 29, 2005
Wow ><D,
The vectoring is amazing,you're one of the best at vectoring in MT and your iconic walls are second to none.:D here's a fav from me. :) -
boogybro Dec 01, 2005
Eh, I dont remember recieving a notification for this. o_O Good thing I decided to look at your gallery. XD First of all, EXCELLENT VECTOR x] There's not one part of it that I think I can fault. Loving the concept of the sky inside the vector shape, my only problem with it is that the quality seems kind of bad. But over all, nice, simple, EXCELLENT WALLPAPER. x] I happen to like the textured vesion. Not because of the textures, it's because the wallpapers contrast is slight more to my liking.
Fave +1
Should have been highlighted, IMO. -
euna Retired Moderator Dec 05, 2005
it's weird. i never got a notif for this. =_="
anywayz, i've said it before, i LUV this wall <3 <3 <3
beautiful vectoring and concept.
the use of partial stock in the wall is brilliant and the colours have been wonderfully chosen.
i luv it *fav* -
kuramah Dec 06, 2005
WOW! It's crazy BEAUTIFUL! You made it perfect! The bg looks like the last sunrise scene form the flight of the angel, or from the episode before, where Sora is dueling with Layla! Great job!
AnimeFan4Life Restricted Member Apr 13, 2006
Great job. Love it. Keep them coming. I can't get enough of KS. :D
Myaje Oct 20, 2006
Ooooh! I downloaded this awhile ago (from AP, I think) when you did the previous version.
I liked the other one alot, but this I like even better.
Most excellent, + to my faves. ^^
rollingmreg Jan 30, 2007
It will be the leading Animated Feature Film in Japan.
darknoshana Feb 10, 2011
nice work thanks for the share
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