
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: Night Park

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sakura Kinomoto Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series Sakura Kinomoto Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My new wallpaper. Sakura agaaaaiiiinnn! For the fans of Sakura ;).

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  1. phamthuha Nov 24, 2005

    Oh my, this work is so so sweet ^_^ I love the way Sakura chan shows out her feeling in this lovely wall, and the bg is really fantastic >_< A fav for a sweet work!

  2. revontulet Nov 24, 2005

    Tats gorgeous! Pretty ice! I wish u could teach me how u did it!
    Its so awesome! The sakura scan is a lil odd but i still love ur work! *Add to favs*

  3. riku-chan Nov 24, 2005

    CLAMP is definitely a master at expressing feeling. I like the way you portrayed her as well; in a fantasy-like world of hopes and dreams. Great in concept and beautifully executed. Up close it looks amazingly breath-taking. There's a balance of every colour, even the font is nice. *fav from me ^^*

  4. AngelKate Nov 24, 2005

    Ebelin-chan! This is so pretty! I love the colors and lights you made. Another one of your best wallpapers. :) Great work!

  5. Zoamel Nov 24, 2005

    Great work again!
    I wish i could visit this theme park now!
    The extraction is great but what is this piece of metal (?) in Sakuras hair.
    It's not annoying but I want to know ;)

  6. Michelle Nov 24, 2005

    Nice wallpaper.

  7. JameranX Nov 24, 2005

    aww, sakura looks sad....but that's the theme now XD. not to be mean or anything, i would like to see the words at the bottom a teeny-weeny bit smaller. i kinda don't like wallpapers that show words on my desktop, otherwise, i'll read it over and over and over etc. lol, but it's very, very nice. thanks for sharing =D. *ps: psssss! i agree with Zoamel, what IS that piece of metal thing? O_o*

  8. SakuraOokamichan Nov 24, 2005

    sakura look's so cute on that pic, and the sky with the stars and the moon looks so great as background
    thanks for sharing ^^

  9. Ebelin Nov 24, 2005

    Quote: The extraction is great but what is this piece of metal (?)

    Well this piece of metal is a.. I donĀ“t know how do you say in English :(. Clevis pin? I am not sure. If you have seen the chapter 22 Sakura is wearing the same dress and this piece in the hair. Sorry but I amnot sure how do you say in English "Pasador de pelo, Orquilla o Gnacho" :((

    Has anybody understood what I have written? :)

  10. KawaiiCardcaptorSakura Nov 26, 2005

    Kawaii! ^^ Great job! It's really cute! ^^

    And for anyone who wants to know: That metal thing? It's a Barrette! ^^

  11. kawaiisakura05 Nov 26, 2005

    i really like the background in this, it's got this magical mysterious-ness that is so awesome. i love the scan too, it's so cute.

  12. kuramah Nov 26, 2005

    Oh! It's SOOOOOOO Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! You make lovely Sakura wallpapers!

  13. Electrastar Nov 29, 2005

    You may have overdone it a little with the stars, but I still like this wallpaper very much, well done.

  14. polarie Nov 30, 2005

    love the mood created here... dunno how to describe but it feels good... the moon looks great.. & all the carnival stuff..

    the reflection in the ice too... nice!

  15. daos Dec 05, 2005

    Wah, very beautiful! I can tell you put a lot of work into this just by judging the ferris wheel and the other abusement park attractions. Love it, Sakura looks cool too.

  16. Kiokochan Jan 01, 2006

    So sooo pretty! The setting and feeling are fantastic. And Sakura is soo pretty. But o-o It's kinda odd seeing her with breasts.. ^^;; sorry if I sound pervy!

  17. moonelf313 Apr 17, 2006

    So pretty! Great job with the lights and everything everywhere! Love it ! Thanks for sharing

  18. Fye643Yuki Feb 23, 2007

    pretty background! love d picture. thankzzz..

    merged: 02-23-2007 ~ 04:14pm
    pretty background! love d picture. thankzzz..

  19. shaka4 Dec 07, 2009

    The Wallpaper of Card Captor Sakura is really pretty

  20. ftama Mar 08, 2010

    Very nice pic! Awesome work! :D

  21. Nammunzz Apr 29, 2010

    OH *O*

    Really niceeeeeeeeeeeeee ><

    i like it

    thanks a lot:)

  22. neopet001 Dec 27, 2010

    nice work, thank you very much

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