
Soukyuu no Fafner Wallpaper: Wings Contest Submission - Angelic

Hisashi Hirai, Xebec, Soukyuu no Fafner, Kazuki Makabe, Soushi Minashiro Wallpaper
Hisashi Hirai Mangaka Xebec Studio Soukyuu no Fafner Series Kazuki Makabe Character Soushi Minashiro Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Firstly, I have a confession to make. When I first saw this scan (located here: Soukyuu no Fafner by CagalliYulaAttha91 ), I thought the blondie was a gal. Myrrhlynn has since corrected me (only after submitting the silly wallpaper T__T )

Ok, description:

The ruins are taken from a Haibane Renmei scene (I made changes to it, such as moving a few pillars and getting rid of a HR symbol in the lower right hand corner). The wings I found on an MT wall (can't remember which one, oops... >_<;;), but I did have to alter them alot because the bottom part of the wings were too hazy to cut out. Most of the pointy-feather-end-bits I had to put there. The halo is from a HR wallpaper, but tweaked alot (can you even see it?).

The clouds are from a different wallpaper of mine (the AIR one) but coloured differently

Ok, the actual characters I got from a Fafner scan at MT. I made the blondie somewhat transparent and put a fuzzy effect around his head to make him seem more surreal. I did a light effect so that light shone down directly on top of the characters. [puh, I still say that 'he' looks girly]

There are a few brushes used (sparkly effects around the wings that aren't 100% visible), and I -think- they are from Aethereality.

As for the actual scan of the characters, I had to clean it a bit cause there was a line through the middle of it.

HR scan located here: Daylit Ruins by firnthoronwen

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  1. flipz Nov 17, 2005

    I like it. It does not clutter the desktop to much even though there is alot on the image. You are right the guy in the back does look very girly. Scary.

  2. mizusuchan Nov 17, 2005

    nice effort, though you can't really see soushi, soushi being the blonde in the background and yes he does look very girly ^^. also loving the ruins in the bg, well done!

  3. ichi-ni Nov 17, 2005

    it is a rip of the background of cloudine's wall

  4. Talame Nov 17, 2005

    Quote by ichi-niit is a rip of the background of cloudine's wall

    Actually, no it's not. I came up with the idea by myself; I didnt even know that a similar wall had been made (and after much searching, is this the wall you are referring to?: The Light Before we Land by Cloudnine ). I am telling the truth in that I had never seen this other wall until you mentioned it and I searched to see if there was a similarity.

    Anyway, thanks for the replies and favs guys ^^

  5. MyrrhLynn Nov 17, 2005

    Quote by ichi-niit is a rip of the background of cloudine's wall

    Gosh don't say stupid things like that without checking up on it first. If you had bothered to click the link to the scan that Talame said she used for the background you would have see that cloudnine used the same scan for a background that Talame did, actually if you had even seen the show Habane Renmei you would have recognized the background to begin with, so do a little looking before you say hurtful and untrue things like that again please.

    As for this wall, well Talame you already know my opinion I think. You did a great job on it, arrm hopefully the wings you used weren't made by that waller though and were from a scan somewhere. >_> ^_^;

    Does this remind anyone else of the ending of the Fafner series?

  6. Talame Nov 18, 2005

    ^^ I found the wallpaper I got the wings from. It's from a series called Angel/Dust
    http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/49484/ *is relieved*

  7. laurent Nov 18, 2005

    Wow, very nice wall. It looks really great. Nice background and a very good composition and play of colors. I'm faving this one, that's for sure !
    Good job Talame ! Keep it up ... ja-ne ^^

  8. lilm Nov 19, 2005

    the bg is very well done
    i lik the colours u used
    and the scan fits pretty well wif ur bg and great blending ^^

  9. yueki Nov 20, 2005

    despite the items coming from different series i think the images work very well together! i really like the design =]

  10. LittleJames Jan 15, 2006

    What good backgroud!So beautiful.
    I remembered I really felt sad when Soushi left Kazuki and all his friends on the island.
    Wish him back.

  11. Shakira Nov 21, 2008

    it is so beautiful :)

  12. marcosmos Mute Member Feb 06, 2010


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