
Gun x Sword: Gunsword OST 001

RICCA, Takahiro Kimura, Gun x Sword, Van (Gun x Sword)
RICCA Mangaka Takahiro Kimura Mangaka Gun x Sword Series Van (Gun x Sword) Character


Not my personal scan, I got it off of a torrent of the OST from nipponsei.

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  1. zainab-chan Nov 16, 2005

    O_O Cool!...Too bad for the folds though....:(

  2. MidnightMiko Nov 19, 2005

    Very cool. I like the dark shades used in the pic. It is a pitty about the fold lines, but it's still a cool pic. Thanks for sharing it! ^0^

  3. Cthulina Dec 21, 2005

    OMG, even with those folds, Van looks so good *x*

  4. Youkailady Feb 28, 2006

    wow that scans nice once again too bad about the folds :(

  5. moonlight13 Jul 29, 2007

    wow! van looks cool here! ^_^ i like it! ^_^

  6. john12071989 Jun 19, 2010

    is this done in pencil and chalk? beautiful piece of work. Thank you for uploading!

  7. Gaburi Sep 25, 2010

    Wow it's amazing
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. shadow713 Dec 17, 2010

    Kyaaaa, it is such a cooool picture! Thanks a lot for sharing! ^-----^

  9. lightsoul007 Apr 01, 2011

    Wow, this picture is really rad. I'm digging this Takahiro Kimura guy.

  10. desnecessaria May 29, 2011

    Wow, this picture is amazing *O*
    thanks for sharing it :3

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