
Soukyuu no Fafner Wallpaper: Fafner in the Azure

Hisashi Hirai, Xebec, Soukyuu no Fafner, Kazuki Makabe, Kanon Memphis Wallpaper
Hisashi Hirai Mangaka Xebec Studio Soukyuu no Fafner Series Kazuki Makabe Character Kanon Memphis Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Oh no I forgot to think of a title so sorry for the lack of inspiration. >.<
I'm not really sure about this wall, so I'm looking forward to your comments ;)

Soukyuu No Fafner is such a cool and dramatic series. Probably my favorite mobile suit series.
So this is Kazuki and Kanon (we see her for the first time a bit far in the series)
I entirely vector the two of them and it took me forever >_<
Since the action of the series take place on an insland, the two of them are suppose to be on a cliff and we can (barely) see waves splashing on it.

I messed a lot with textures in this wall. I really didn't know what kind I wanted and it end up like this ^_^'
All background was made in Photoshop.

The two scans of the characters come from Anime Project Alliance
The picture of the Fafner come from a screenshot of the series
Photos of sky and cliff come from my personals albums

Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: fukushuusha
Wall: Midnight Parade
Reason: Love the atmosphere of the wall, nice subtle texture and nice mix of colors...

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  1. kyubinaruto Nov 13, 2005

    Wai! Kazuki and Kanon, my two favourite characters from SnF. You chose a really good setting and scan.
    The perspective of Fafner is abit wrong, no?

  2. audeaya Nov 13, 2005

    oro! ke c'est super ca! dis moi j'adore ton scan de soukyuu no fafner, Kazuki et Kanon sont trop mimi dessus XD! à croquer!
    Mais ce que j'aime surtout c'est le bg! simple mais geniale (enfin je sais pas si dans la conception c'est si simple à faire, je n'y connais rien en vector et je sais même pas le definir, bref je suis à la masse ^^!)
    Donc revenons au BG, l'effet de la pluie est tres bien rendu, surtout le coté sombre, ça met en avant la personnalite des personnages, ainsi que leur situation un peu dramatique :) bref c'est top!
    j'aime vraiment et puis je n'avais encore pas vu ces deux scans donc je suis contente (hihi) merci anji pour cette oeuvre encore tres bien réussit! ;)
    plein de bisous mapuce ca merite un tit fav de ta audeaya!
    a tres bientot ;)

  3. Hideki313 Nov 13, 2005

    wow .... very beautiful and great wallpaper!
    i really liket the atmosphere ... the rain and the faces are very atmospheric!
    i fav this .... and thx for that!

  4. Sandy Nov 13, 2005

    What an awesome work! The vector is absolutely gorgeous and top-notched and the background simple yet brillantly executed and fits perfectly to the atmosphere. It's definitely a +fav for me. :)

  5. dans Nov 13, 2005

    o_O i almost miss this one if you didn't tell me about it.
    i vectored the same scan a long time ago but couldn't find a nice bg so i threw it off. >_>
    btw, we can see that the vector is top notch. the bg and the atmosphere're made very nicely. very nice work. XD

  6. cifiryn Nov 13, 2005

    Nice wallie! As I said the vector looks great, and the background it's very nice too, nice and somehow simple... The atmosphere of the wallie in general is very well done (IMHO).

    I'm loving the clouds and the way the colours of the sky and the sea are kinda mixing with each other...

    The only thing I'm not sure of is the mobile suit, it looks a bit... odd... May be it's something with its positioning...

    All in all, I think you did a very nice wallie :)
    *Adding to favs*

  7. motoko Nov 13, 2005

    O.o Wow
    The bg is awesome, I love the colors you used. This is a pefect rainy atmosphere.
    Besides, the characters are amazingly blended in the bg... The 2 scans-- It looks like you just used 1... really amazing work!
    Funny, it reminds me your FruitBasket wall... but it's really different anyway.
    That's a fav (no way I'd miss that one!)
    Again, very impressive, I love your work ;) Keep it up! up! up!

  8. shadowcat23 Nov 13, 2005

    love your wallpaper it looks really great :)

  9. AtTheBronze Nov 13, 2005

    Great work Anji-chan! Love the feeling of the wall!

  10. Elves Nov 13, 2005

    Wow. That is awesome. Especially when I look at the original vector. You did a lot of work to make them be "interactive" with the rain. A big Kudos to that! I've got no problems what so ever with anything. That, my friend, is a superb wall.

  11. llilliathari Nov 13, 2005

    *Encore une qui a du s'amuser pour vectoriser ses personnages XD*

    Je passais par la et j'ai bien fait vu que tu viens de poster ton wall y a peu. ^^
    Tres bonne realisation, tu maitrises bien ton art de la pluie avec photoshop ou illustrator (tu fais comment au fait?), avec tous ces nuages sur ce scan et l'expression des personnages on a vraiment l'impression que le vrai deluge ne va pas tarder a arriver. (heureusement que je ne suis pas plantee sur cette ile-pas-tres-hawaienne moi =___=)
    Le fond fait tres realiste, mais vu que tu as mis des textures sur tes perso ca passe tres bien. Rien a dire sur les vecteurs, tu ne le disais pas que c'en etait je ne l'aurai vraiment pas devine.
    Par contre, sur/derriere l'epaule droite de Kazuki-si-je-ne-me-loupe-pas il y a cette brume blanche, c'est une vague ou bien l'effet de pluie sur le vetement? Si c'est ce dernier il ne faudra pas rajouter un peu de cet effet sur l'autre epaule ou sur celle de Kanon?
    Tres bon travail, comme d'hab. :)
    + fav'


  12. MyrrhLynn Nov 15, 2005

    I've been really busy lately but when I saw this wall I just HAD to comment on it! Nice work as usual, normally I wouldn't think these pics could work together in a wall, but you combined them together nicely. The little details you added like the water drops on the hair are what make this wall so cool. The Fafner looks cool up there, but I can understand what other people are saying about it's perspective being funny. It can almost look like it's going to fall on Kazuki's head, rotfl! Haha, I guess my poor Fafner wall can say "bye bye" to being near the top now. XD

  13. fukushuusha Nov 15, 2005

    WoW! awesome vector work...
    The atmosphere you created is really kicking. Absolutely fitting with the series.
    A definite fav
    ohh..plug...thanks a lot Anji =)

  14. iiwa Nov 16, 2005

    awesome vectors done on both of the characters anji!
    the rainy atmosphere is totally cool!
    great extractions and a total fav! >_<

  15. Dray Nov 16, 2005

    ben la c'est encore plus nikel ! le vector tres bien rajouter sur un fond tres beau ^^

    L'effet de pluie que tu a mi j'aime bien, sa rend ton wall tres sympatique

  16. mizusuchan Nov 17, 2005

    this must be the best sokyuu no fafner wallpaper i've come across ever! kazuki and kanon look so awesome! well done! ^_^

  17. AC2N Nov 25, 2005


    alors la, J'HA-LLU-CINE !
    non mais, quand arreteras tu de faire des walls aussi magnifiques ! heureusement que tu en aies satisfaites de celui la (suite a ton message sur mon GB), si je pouvais faire la meme choses je serais le "ROI DU MONDE"... (cf. TITANIC et Leonardo di Carpaccio ! )
    Sans rire, tu as fais un super boulot dessus entre les persos, la pluie, le BG... ce wall doit ABSOLUMENT faire partis de mes favs ! Tu es et resteras toujours ma reine ! http://vaiowega.free.fr/site/smileys/mule_de_noel.gif
    @ bientot pour voir d'autre chef d'oeuvre !

  18. L3g Nov 25, 2005

    a maiiis naaaan
    quand je dis que je suis pas douer ... c'est que c'est vrai ....
    je viens d'ecrire 15 pages sur le wall et vla comme un *biiiip* je met page precedente et je perd mon texte ....
    enfin bon je vais essaye de resumer ce que j'ai di

    Quote by Draysa rend ton wall tres sympatique

    sympatique pour les gens proche du suicide ... sans doute :D

    Quote by AC2NTu es et resteras toujours ma reine

    baf le petit joueur ... si je te place Deesse au lieu de reine ca te va ou c encore pas assez ?
    Bon pour le wall :
    le vector est nikel ^^
    l'ambiance triste ... baf t'es douer pour ca ....
    le fond est un peu simpliste mais colle parfaitement avec le vecteur
    effet de pluis genial
    J'adore la police de ton titre ^^
    Euu sinon ya un truc que j'ai un totu petite peu moins ^^ c'est l'ombre au dessu du vecteur .... euu comme je ne connais pas du tout "Soukyuu No Fafner" je sais pas trop ce que c'est ^^
    enfin sinon ... ba des compliments venant d'un "amateur" comme moi sais pas si ca te touche mais je vais essayer quand meme:
    bravo meme si j aime po les truc deprimant tu va commencer a me les faire aimer ^^
    euu ton talent n'est plus a prouver .... mais maintennt je peux dire que ton style non plus
    Bravo tout simplement ^^

  19. sweetlee Dec 02, 2005

    wow this is one of the best fafner picture i have ever seen

  20. heiji Dec 02, 2005

    superbe wall j'aime bocoup l'atmosphere qu'il degage et surtout l'expression des visages

  21. maho-ho Dec 02, 2005

    That good work you do fact in this wallpaper. I like the atmospher that produces, a day of rain, really pleasant. Also I have liked the texture, I adore the textures! Is one hurts that I have not been able to continue seeing the series...

  22. Asahi Dec 18, 2005

    and how i see at this moment that i dont get messages that you upload new work ! =( like it very much and how i can see i can learn a lot from you o.O .. i like the rainy atmopshere in it very much .. and i asked you , maybe you can teach me, how you make this rain effekt hmm ^^

  23. Jormungand Dec 21, 2005

    ack.. I almost missed this >.<
    firstly, I would give a fav just for the vector alone :O
    but then you have that amazing background and rain effects that suit the mood very well... I love that rainy, blurry atmosphere :D
    I also love the way you put the silhouette behind there
    another amazing wallie from you, great work~! ^.~

  24. Zeroscarface Dec 21, 2005

    great, great, is a great job, i like so much.

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