
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper: Halloween 2005 wallpaper

Carnelian, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Lilith (YamiBou) Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Series,Visual Novel Lilith (YamiBou) Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I know it's too late to be sumbitting this...but what the heck...^_^
This is my secound wallpaper so far...I'm not really sure if I've imporved but I'm still experimenting.
This consists of 30 layers. The image I got from Imageboard.
The bg was made using a few brushes which I got from deviant art.
Any comments, suggestions, tips or criticism will be appreciated.

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  1. dianas Nov 09, 2005

    hehe Lilith one of my favorite..^_~..i like her so much..because she is cute..i have seen the anime too Yami to boushi to hon no Tabibito..i even made my layout with Lilith..anyway you have a fav from me for your wallie..
    Best wishes from Di

  2. namda Nov 09, 2005

    it very beautiful

  3. Staff Nov 10, 2005

    Interesting background: the sparkles, clouds/fog, and the streaks of white. Nice blends of colour!

  4. lordfan Nov 10, 2005

    yaaaay another carnelian wall!

    I've never seen this particular scan. new?

    background's nice and...shiny? It has a pleasant magic feel to it which goes well with the image.

  5. selimangagirl Nov 10, 2005

    Nice wallpaper! I like it a lot. It is very pretty and the background is beautiful.

  6. fooblued Nov 10, 2005

    I love the little sparkly lines and the colors you chose really go with the scan well. Very pretty :D I wish I would have had it earlier for halloween!

  7. jeffng9 Nov 11, 2005

    kyah your avatar is sooooooooo cute!
    love it~
    the bg looks so shiny~
    i like the combination of the colors

  8. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 09, 2009

    grande wallpaper

  9. akitotop Oct 18, 2009


  10. theremosster Feb 13, 2010

    This is a great wallpaper.

  11. evilxangel Apr 28, 2010

    Great a wallpaper that doesn't say halloween

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