
Gankutsuou: In a world, UNTITLED

Gonzo, Gankutsuou, Albert de Morcerf, Edmond Dantes, Member Art
Gonzo Studio Gankutsuou Series Albert de Morcerf Character Edmond Dantes Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

yay! another Doujinshi... once again -_- okey.... im bored out of my mind right now... just had to draw another one :) and im quit taken with this series.... I love it!
This is part 2 of my other drawing a world, UNKNOWN of Albert & Monte Cristo in the series Gankutsuo, based on a screen shot on eps. 23, when I saw it I was like "I gotto draw it!" XD XD XD hehe. so I did ^_____________^ *kissu* :pacman: it was too cute I couldnt help it T_T
when my bro saw it he was like OMG o_0 "what the hell, is the series shounen ai or something!?" -_- does it seem that way...I wonder?
wonderful textures! from http://hybrid-genesis.net/free_textures/textures02.html
Layers- 55
thank you so much for viewing and please comment! *hugs*

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  1. Sumomo- Nov 06, 2005

    Well I think your drawing skills are great as ever, but I'm not really sure what I'm looking at ;) I havent seen the series so I dont have a clue to whats acutally going on in the wallpaper.
    But colors and texture are lovely.
    Keep it the good work!

  2. Milkiyo Nov 06, 2005

    looks lovely but is he embracing a devil or something?!

  3. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 06, 2005

    Wow! The colors are crazy and it's nicely drawn! I love your doujins, they're so cool XD

  4. Inuyasha-FAN Nov 06, 2005

    Thats soo coool! :) Good job! Keep up the good work! :)

  5. PoorPrince Nov 06, 2005

    it looks really pretty! you did a really good job! keep it up!

  6. bbls Nov 06, 2005

    i luv the abstract look of your doujin!
    it took me awhile to figure out what was happening in your drawing, but when i finally saw them kissing, i could feel a lot of emotion from that depiction.
    and your use of texture and color here is wonderful!

  7. nolove Nov 06, 2005

    uhm, it'z...I guess, kool and style, beautiful color, but... I dont know what are ya drawing ? >< :D. hehe

  8. kinoko-san Nov 06, 2005

    Hmm...nice one as usual!color and texture are good but i think your doujin is abstract?

  9. Faikenshin Nov 06, 2005

    wow this one is very good^^ i love the color!

  10. Emma Nov 06, 2005

    Very unique style! I like it! I love the various colors. And the abstract feel it has. Really cool!

  11. wind12 Nov 06, 2005

    WOW Ayasal, this image looks great. The backround looks very intresting :D Nice art-work :D

  12. Kiku-chan Nov 06, 2005

    Looks really nice ^^
    I like the colors you used.
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. evasion Nov 06, 2005

    @_@. Heehee, nice job! Didn't realize it was shounen-ai >_< lol. But fantastic doujin! I love your unique style. Thanks a bunch!

  14. MidnightMiko Nov 06, 2005

    *immediately clicks to enlarge* Wah, once again your artwork is positively exquisite! A wonderous masterpiece of colorful fantasy! You drew the two characters beautifully, and the positioning is very appealing! The blue hair fanning out all over the artwork looks heavenly, such a regal looking male. The coloring is all around astounding! The textures are very nice and make this piece look more real, even though it's surreal! It's just so amazingly mind boggling! You have so much talent! Another wonderous masterpiece, and instant fav for me! I just love your work, thanks sooo much for sharing it! *bows and favs*

  15. Rikimaru-jp Nov 07, 2005

    Hey Aya-Chan great artwork you made here I love the concept really mysterious ;)
    I like the colors you used really cool! not to mention that your drawing are done very well! keep up the good work :)

  16. acid-awakening Nov 07, 2005

    What's the blue thing.... and the arms came from where?
    Well... anywayz... it looks really nice and the colours look kool... oh and the moon is too small i think
    Thanx for sharing anyway

  17. Kira-sama Nov 08, 2005

    @_@ it looks REALLY good, but whats up wit the cloud hair? im not sayin its bad, just, whyd ya chose it?

  18. shinorei Nov 16, 2005

    Bwahahha. It reminds me of some abstract wallpaper. Which it is, right? o__o;; Hehehe, I don't mind shounen-ai too much and I think this one is pretty artistic. Keep up the good work!

  19. DarkBlade- Dec 19, 2005

    its quite nice, almost like an abstract, the blood spot threw it off a little but the rest look good, nice job. (*is now interested in this series you speak of*)

  20. safeguard01 Mar 08, 2006

    The series isn't shounen in any original sense of the word in my opinion.... If I was in Albert's position, I too would have kissed the Count, without hesitation in fact.

    In terms of the wallpaper, your use of texture in the characters clothing is very clever--indeed, in the style that was used extensively throughout the anime--although I must say I'm not a fan of the line art style you used. :\ Otherwise, a well done wallpaper for sure. :)

  21. Butterchan Mar 09, 2006

    Oh wow, this is so gorgeous. A beautiful rendition, even more artistic and stylized than the original, dare I say. I just finished watching Gankutsuou, and absolutely loved it. So I needed a wallpaper, and a Count/Albert one at that! This scene came to mind, but I didn't actually expect there to be a wallpaper of it. So I'm amazed, and it's very high quality! Thank you for making this and sharing, it's so lovely and I enjoy having it on my desktop.

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