
To Heart 2 Wallpaper: Relaxing

AQUAPLUS, To Heart 2, Manaka Komaki Wallpaper
AQUAPLUS Studio To Heart 2 Series,Visual Novel Manaka Komaki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Err ... I know this wallpaper is plain and weird.. :sweat:
just wanna give it a try .. ^_^'
the grasses are kinda weird I know .. but..
anyways, will try harder next time (:

scan is gotten from the gallery
brushes are from Deviantart

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  1. echidnaboy726 Nov 05, 2005

    'ey, plain and weird works for me! This looks great.

  2. melonbrust Nov 05, 2005

    cute wall, very light
    altho the grass looks a bit wierd, i think it would be better without it
    but still, very nice

  3. pockky Nov 05, 2005

    uh. . .thank ! kawarii~!

  4. Milkiyo Nov 05, 2005

    looks relaxing...likes the blue too^^

  5. Kiako Nov 05, 2005

    the copyright sign should go in the corner of the wallpaper and the text in the middle of the wall is disturbing. and yes the grass would realy need more work and a different color too, because it also lies on the colors that the wallpaper looks plain. and she looks a bit too bright for the type of bg you made.

  6. kiukirilya Nov 05, 2005

    This looks cool, quite relaxing! Like the color!
    Good job! Keep it up!

  7. Pisces Nov 05, 2005

    Look nice ^ ^

  8. NakamuraChiaki Nov 05, 2005

    I know this looks weird, will try better next time!
    thanks for commenting (:

  9. phamthuha Nov 05, 2005

    It looks simple and cute ^_^ I don't like the grass here, you make it not good enough +__+. my fav still got 1 place for you after you update it and fix the grass ^_^

  10. lamhoimanvindy Nov 05, 2005

    The girl is very cute, although the colour are light.
    It is a warm picture. The feeling is nice~~
    It is good enough~~~

  11. kal91 Nov 05, 2005

    Why would you say it's weird? It's plain, but not weird. What fonts do you use for 'Relaxing'? The n looks like an r at first glance.

    I disagree with Kiako about the brightness of the character made her unfit for the bg. I also disagree on having words in the middle made it disturbing.

    Please keep in mind that different people have different taste. These two points are personal preference (not technical problems), don't let it get you down.

    Now I do agree with him/her that the grass needs more work. Check out some of the grass on her skirt, they look like they're growing out of her skirt. The colour can stay depending on what you are trying to convey.

  12. Zoamel Nov 05, 2005

    I like the sky and the grass. Also the effect you used with the girl looks very nice :)

  13. lordfan Nov 06, 2005

    it's a decent wall.
    Overall it's kind of bland. The sky's nice though but the grass looks fake. I know it is but you should of tried covering it a bit better.

  14. kenny52690 Mute Member Nov 06, 2005

    this wallpaper really relaxing!
    the grass not really weird, u just need to make it more greener.
    keep up the good work and do better next time^^

  15. Trigun3786 Nov 06, 2005

    Great wall, it pretty warm and the sky is great
    keep up the good work

  16. kotokiya Nov 25, 2005

    Nice job ! But can she service me really ? hehe, Just joking !

  17. Takutofan Mar 28, 2006

    i like it! its prettyful! :D

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