
Candy Candy Wallpaper: Happy Times at Pony's Hill

Yumiko Igarashi, Candy Candy, Candice White Ardlay Wallpaper
Yumiko Igarashi Mangaka Candy Candy Series Candice White Ardlay Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is my second wallpaper, it's from my favorite manga-anime "Candy Candy"
The image came from the italian page http://www.onlyshojo.com
I hope you like it!

No other submissions


  1. Ayasal Nov 04, 2005

    owww! you dont see too many of wallie on this series^____^I love Candy Candy! you did a great job on the grass! and the whole thing is really well done^^
    keep up the good work!

  2. shak Nov 04, 2005

    jejeje like it remembering old times with that anime XD keep making candy walls good job

  3. Zoamel Nov 05, 2005

    She is looking like a modern Version of "Lady Georgie".
    Do you now the anime "Lady Georgie".
    It's playing in Australia.
    In Germany it was an famous and popular anime.
    I like the bg very much. The colouring of the sky is great :)

  4. Michelle Nov 05, 2005

    Wow,it`s a good job and I like it.Thank you.

  5. Meleth Nov 05, 2005

    Quote by ZoamelShe is looking like a modern Version of "Lady Georgie".
    Do you now the anime "Lady Georgie".

    Of course she looks like Georgie (1983) because "Candy Candy" manga (1974) was draw by Yumiko Igarashi the author of Lady Georgie , but the history was wrote by Kyoko Mizuki.
    Almost all the characters of LG looks like some of the characters of CC.
    I like to think that it's because it's the artist's style.

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