
Gankutsuou: A world, UNKNOWN

Gonzo, Gankutsuou, Edmond Dantes, Albert de Morcerf, Member Art
Gonzo Studio Gankutsuou Series Edmond Dantes Character Albert de Morcerf Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

first submittion from me in MT3!
its another drawing from me! im really sorry for the lack of making \"real\" walllpapers, but I really enjoy drawing more then making a wallie with an scan... *hugs*
I was baicly going crazy with this one... after hours and hours of work... my dog walks in... and trips on my wire and OMG, all gone! @_@ im soo stupid I didn't even save my work! *hits head on the wall*.............grrrrrr......... *starts over*
the chars are Albert & Monte Cristo in the series Gankutsuo, I just loved them! I just finnished the series the other day. This little sceen is from eps. 23^_________^ soo cute! those who have already watched this sereies, would know the reason why I put the textures on like that, since thats the way the art of the series is like.^^

okey I first draw it with pencil, scanned it, outlined it with pen tool, colored it on photoshop, and added the wonderful textures! from here http://hybrid-genesis.net/free_textures/textures02.html *hugs it*
there were not many brushes invoved in this peace, only 2 or 3 and the rest was drawned with the pen tool. At the same time im trying to teach myself how to vector... but im no good... I dont know the first thing when it comes to vectoring... ~_~
its going to be my birthday soon, so I can get some money and buy some new pens... im so broke! im going to be 15! YAY!....yea, im getting old... lol
Layers - 79
Time- around 2days
thank you so much for viewing and please comment! *hugs*
love all you guys!


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  1. Rikimaru-jp Nov 01, 2005

    This Doujin is really cool Aya-Chan I really loved the colors they match so much together not to mention that the drawing is done perrty well!
    coloration is excellent :) and the brushes you used are well used and wisely selected!
    keep it up ;)

  2. AngelLoveSong Nov 01, 2005

    aya-chan! your great! your so good! I wish I could draw like you! keep up the good work!

  3. rene3088 Nov 01, 2005

    well done ayasal.. I think u did really good job
    keep it up

  4. Milkiyo Nov 01, 2005

    whoa, love your works as usual...hopes your dog didn't suffer from your wrath..lol
    haha, if you're old then we're all even older folks here *.*
    bty, happy birthday!
    yep, I still haven't figured how to vector too...been wanting to learn for weeks..T.T

  5. Sumomo- Nov 01, 2005

    Ayasal - great piece of work :D
    But I dont think the blue colors fit very well with the rest of the colors.
    Apart from that - really really nice. And you are so talented it hurts. (for those of us who can barely draw stick people LOL)

  6. bbls Nov 01, 2005

    oh, this is a wonderful drawing! gosh, i really luved the textures you used, and i also really like your background, especially the bottom part where it looks a bit fiery! also, nice colors and brushing! :D

  7. Keltosh Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2005

    Well, what can I say. It is nice, detailed and well done. Especially the textures and the level of detail. It deserves to be highlighted.

    *adds to highlights*

  8. Lenne Nov 01, 2005

    Interesting work..i love the perspective.Looks great! ;)

  9. megaohki Nov 01, 2005

    something about the various patterns and textures reminds me of klimt's work

  10. kaisui1tatsu Nov 01, 2005

    I like how the charaters go together, and I like the colors! How do you submitt stuff on mt3 though. I coldn't find it anywhere, and I have a few things ready to submitt.

  11. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2005

    Wow! Very cool! And 79 layers too! It really shows! Excellent job, as always!

  12. Kira-sama Nov 01, 2005

    damn! ur dog tripped over ur wires? that must have sucked...

    great job on this one ayasal-chan! it looks amazing, keep up the good work!

  13. darkyuki Nov 01, 2005

    very interesting. that sux about the dog and the wire. i know how that goes. well, take care and keep up the good work.


  14. Terry Nov 01, 2005

    I like it man Gj!

  15. ccc109 Nov 01, 2005

    i like the design and color! good work!

  16. phamthuha Nov 02, 2005

    Pretty cool idea ^_^ You mix up both doujinshi and your own talent skill in using PS effect to make out this excellent peace of work? Really aweasome ^_^

  17. Inuyasha-FAN Nov 02, 2005

    thats sooo good! ^__^ good job! that is soo cool

  18. heyhey Banned Member Nov 02, 2005

    hey pretty cool drawing you got there,
    thx for sharing, seeya

  19. evasion Nov 02, 2005

    Wow! Dude, this doujin is seriously awesome. I love how you did the texturing and the artwork is fantastic! Thanks a bunch for sharing :) +fav+

  20. shinorei Nov 02, 2005

    A doujin wallpaper? But it's so nice and real! ^_^ (Not that your artwork is fake, but yours look like a scan+background wallpaper)
    Ooh, I love it so much~~ XD ^_^ Keep up the good work, ok?

  21. kinoko-san Nov 02, 2005

    Aww...how can you make this.....absolutely great....

  22. Amazu Nov 02, 2005

    Man.....This is cool!

  23. markjo Nov 02, 2005

    Well, that's something definitely worth highlighting. Very detailed and elaborate - the texturing is great here. Any other resolutions? I would like to have it as a wallpaper on my desktop.

  24. Regenbogen Nov 02, 2005

    Hello.... ^^ I am impressed... this is really good. I am currently also working on a wallpaper that will consist of pieces that I drew... but I am not finished with drawing yet. I love your style... it is really good. But like Markjo wrote, I wish you had another resolution for it! Keep on drawing.... this is really good...

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