Yeah, we like it. :D Very nice work. I like the ng and the red color. XD XD XD
Artist Comment
This is for Akaiken who just celebrated his b-day. Sorry if it's a little late! ^_^' This is another result of another brushing and blending experimentation. I hope you liked it :)
Scan credit: Another Iori by julioc
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lthnadml Oct 31, 2005
kajimamidori Oct 31, 2005
Whoaa love the red colors in this wallpaper : D
Shkira Nov 01, 2005
Ah, very firey and sexy. Nice job on the background! =^_^=
Ephemeral-Garden Nov 01, 2005
Nice. Very Nice. ^^ Iori is awesome, although he's not as awesome as Kyo, but yeah. Nice brushings I must say. It's quite suting and it's kinda unique in some sense, since it's all reddish and helly. (I wonder if that word even exists O.o)
The text is nice too. But in my opinion though (yeah, don't take it personally) The font for "King of Fighters" can just be taken out there... coz I don't really think it's quite suitable to the colour of the background. It makes the whole piece looks blunt, since it's greyish.
And also one thing that I notice is the scan of Iori himself. I guess he needs a little cleanings, particularly his hair can be seen a little "dirty", pixelated. Cleaning with blending mode will work, though.
Now, let's wish Akaiken a happy belated birthday! *have no pressie for him though, gahhaha >.<*
Akaiken Nov 02, 2005
La la la la!
First of all, I would like to thank you for this wall. Appreciated! ;)
Now, about the wall... you really got my taste on the Bloody thing. I guess I'll have to agree on Ephie on the font. It's grey and it's not kinda suited for the bg. But you still made it good. Damn, I wonder where did you find the scan...
nikorai Nov 02, 2005
great wall im really impressed. it did a nice job. the picture goes to my favs
julioc Nov 02, 2005
wow, thats amazing, you did a great wallpaper with the scan, i like the red thing, it really looks like is getting consumed by fire. thanks for sharing it
alexiel01 Nov 03, 2005
A wall for Kuya ken! A very nie gift!
b3nitora Nov 05, 2005
Wicked! What an a$$ kickin wallpaper! I never got anything that kewl on my brithday! Akaiken is lucky!
BossMac Nov 07, 2005
Ooohhh... yagami... sweet.
I just love it when you use Fighting game scans. Anyways, cool touches on the wall.
Nga pala... logo ko?
HikyuuTera Nov 08, 2005
SWEET!This Wallpaper is awesome Pyro-sama.I love the colors and the way you made it.The scan totally does fit with the background.I just love this wallpaper.Good job,Pyro-sama!
the-okinawan-man Nov 17, 2005
i love King of Fighters...:nya:
and he's my favorite character...:nya:
where's the blue flames? hohohoho....
Spikes4real Dec 10, 2005
beautiful, i love his jacket =P
lllxuxiao May 22, 2006
Likes very much He is inside KOF the most graceful man
strictlystyles Dec 23, 2009
not doing him any justice :( me no like
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