
Anime Wallpaper: Dark Magician (Userpage Wall)

Unidentified Wallpaper
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1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi People, since I got the request from Kara I'll upload the Wallpaper Version of my USERPAGE!

I made this wallie a day after I made my Skin...but was too lazy to submit it!
Well this one goes for Kara hope you like it girl!

And hope the rest of you like it too! ^__^

I'm thinking of making a new Skin for MT3...cos with the new changes...my old one is a mess!

Take care all! *hugs* :) Till the next time!

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  1. kara Oct 31, 2005

    Yay! Thanks! Very pretties! I really like how he's sitting on what seems to be a lamp post! The mixture of colours is very pretty, especially around the lamp! But I'm wondering what those little faces are? They make me think ghosts or spirits, but they're way cute anyway! XD Maybe you can make the angle of those little ghosts vary a little bit.
    Me likes!

  2. KennyMcCormmick Oct 31, 2005

    Hi, very beautiful image. your userpage is really awesome..
    Hope that one day my userpage will be too x)
    Well, see ya..
    hugs for you ^^

  3. shoebird Oct 31, 2005

    whoah... thats a beautiful blend of colours... and really fits the theme!
    I really like the expression of the charactor too...
    it would be a shame if you had not shared this with others!
    anyway, thanks for becoming more.. 'energetic' and poeting this up!

  4. exentric Oct 31, 2005

    the repearing ghost face is creeping me >_<
    but its a good work nontheless. ^_^

  5. Gathenhielm Oct 31, 2005

    Oh very nice work. And a bit unusual. Me likes ^^

  6. phamthuha Oct 31, 2005

    This sure is a master piece work >_< Oh, so cool! But the ghost spirits here .... It is not good because you duplicate too much here >_< That would be better if you put in more different spirits ^_^ Oh, the scan is really so COOL! I just want to fav this wall after you fix all the prob ^_^

  7. Angel-on-Dragon Oct 31, 2005

    Mmh, though I don't like Yu-Gi-Oh, I love your wallpaper ^^ The colors and the bg look amazing.
    Thanks for sharing

  8. jocelyn08 Oct 31, 2005

    this wallie looks nice and the colour blends well with the character
    and the ghost spirits are cute..^_^
    hmm..but i dont quite like da font you use for "dark chest of wonders" ^^

  9. pana Oct 31, 2005

    nice concept
    scan is of very good quality and the bg suits the overall piece
    great choice of colors

    maybe as some have mentioned already u might want to rotate some of the faces to be looking at your primary scan
    make it your focus point of your wallpaper

    well done
    adding u to watchlist to check future work

  10. KittyCyn Oct 31, 2005

    Quote by KennyMcCormmickHi, very beautiful image. your userpage is really awesome..
    Hope that one day my userpage will be too x)
    Well, see ya..
    hugs for you ^^

    Hi Hi! Thanks a lot for you comment on my latest wallie *hugs*
    Till the next time :)
    Take care

  11. Wraith Oct 31, 2005

    Nicely done Kitty! Your really talented, makes me jealous :) If I try hard enough I can make a decent rendition of a stick man. If anyone here was labeled a magician, it would be you. You have to be in the top five for wallpaper creators. You get a fav for sure!

  12. Yumi-Chan Nov 01, 2005

    @_@ lol you repeated the face xD;; it's scary lol~ you maybe could've just rotate them a little, give then different textures and so on. variety of sizes too maybe? nice bg effects btw ^_^ reminds me of halloween o___o
    good luck with the future wallpapers ^^

  13. kaisui1tatsu Nov 01, 2005

    you have the most beautifully wallpapers! I love how the colors go so well together! Awsome work! Keep it up! *hugs*

  14. diamarrr Nov 01, 2005

    great wallie .....looks really mysterious and slightly ghostly hehe yet cute at the same time.....using it on my desktop now ;) thnx

  15. dalidadod Nov 01, 2005

    u know when i saw ur UP i told u that u really have a lovely page..and now i'll say it agin...this wallie is really awesome..i love tha kolors and the scan,,and for sure tha idea ov tha gurls' eyes on it ^_^
    thanx for sharin

  16. Lenne Nov 01, 2005

    Wow..I just love it O.O!Awsome wall...no wonder that you used it for your userpage. :)
    See ya around! ;)

  17. DeeDee Nov 01, 2005

    ud sabe que me encantó este wallie/userpage coso!
    I LOVE IT really!
    you're the best!

  18. calisqo Nov 02, 2005

    NIce skill there kitty as usual.
    Amazes me.
    The char is unrecognisable XD, but then closer look tells the personality of the char even further.
    I'm liking the blending as usual.
    U have nice way of blending colorful element together, which is to me quite hard.
    COmplicated yet, interesting, nice work

  19. Akira-san Nov 02, 2005

    Eh? I didn't was notificated about your wallie, how weird =/
    Well, awesome work as ever kittycyn... loved this scan, where you got? the background looks good with these faces, and the colors are lovely. Nice job ^^

  20. evasion Nov 02, 2005

    Wowzo! Dark Magician! Heehee, very cool wallie - it is pretty cool - I love the feel of the piece - it is definitely excellently done. Nice work!

  21. lthnadml Nov 02, 2005

    Wow! beautiful work . . . nice bg and lovely colors too . . .
    Keep up the good work . . . XD XD XD

  22. Arashi-san Nov 02, 2005

    wow i love it ^^ i like the colors and all looks really mystic =)
    i have added it to my favs

    greets Arashi-san

  23. Nane Nov 03, 2005

    I simply loved this wall...The combination between the purple haze and the light is fantastic! And the theme...magic, perfect! Marvelous job! I will waiting for more.

  24. pegassuss Nov 04, 2005

    Nice wallie! I just love the colors, they are beautiful! you used really nice effects, and I like the scan. Those little ghosts are cute, though they are scary in another way XP but maybe they repeat too much ^^'
    Good job!

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