lol, this is the first time i seen an elf with wings, but i guess its a good change, its not bad, better than wat i can do, i can only draw.. yea so sad.
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MAJINX Oct 26, 2005
narutofan92 Oct 26, 2005
Wow, if all this was made originally that is definitely some good work.
Although truly the wings do come across as a little odd, basically because they look kind of blurry but other then that it looks great. Although the bg seems a little grainy (probably done purposely) but I think it kindof suits the wall. All in all it's pretty great. Hope to see more.~narutofan
P.S. Is the title really supposed to be "Melody of Starts"? Just curious, sounds a bit odd is all.
sacredsky Oct 26, 2005
I believe that character is from the Y's Ark of Naphtishm or something like that.
Nice work :), keep it up! -
alterlier Oct 26, 2005
wow that was quick ...thanks for your comments, yeah jaja i needed fill the space so i put her some wings, and yes almost everything is original except the "basic water".
and the title... well i only translated in spanish what i want it to say in english "melodia de estrellas" but i didn't think it was gonna sound odd :s.... -
Pepper-Mint Oct 26, 2005
*sigh* What a serene wall, alterlier ^^.... It's really good. I'm not comfortable with the angelwings-on-elf thing, but it's still nice. Thanks for sharing!!
teepoo Oct 26, 2005
hehe this seems like a good job for a second wallie ^^ i think the wings look weird because they're kind fat looking lol and also they're not in the same focus as the scan kinda blurry >__<" extraction is almost perfect except for a little bit of uncleaness around the hands
u did a really good job on the background though i applaud u for that ^_^ anyways welcome to mt and congrats on ur second wallie ^^ -
justducky Oct 26, 2005
Ouuu~ this is great! The bg looks soo pertiful! The text font is cool. The stars look romantic and the water (that's water right?) look pretty darn real. I wanna figure that out, haha. I agree her wings don't suit her but they look soo soft! She looks like an interesting character. Nice job!
show Oct 26, 2005
=.=////////this wall is really cool huh......the light is balance....
melonbrust Oct 27, 2005
its very nice, the background looks amazing, great job
SkyKing8 Oct 28, 2005
Very well designed giving the image an angelic look to it. Nice scenery and very well worked. Well Done!
Kiako Oct 28, 2005
well there are stars or whatever in the sky but the sky still looks empty. and her wings are a bit too blury.
Zoamel Oct 30, 2005
I like fairies nd fluffy wings. But I never saw them together ;)
Bogard091 Oct 31, 2005
Its a great image... the foreground and the background go together really well and it comes to gether to make a nice scene, very cool
DemonFighter Nov 04, 2005
very nice
enixvalkyrie Nov 06, 2005
This scan gets used a lot for ys artworks. But this is the best one yet. Ohla with wings and the theme of it really cath your eye.
Semuta Nov 22, 2005
Oh, I love it! Add to fav
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