
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: Minako-chan

Naoko Takeuchi, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Artemis, Minako Aino Wallpaper
Naoko Takeuchi Mangaka Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series Artemis Character Minako Aino Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

A very funny and cute wallpaper in my opinion.
Very simple, I made this one as a present to some InternetFriend! ^-^
Later I'll show you my Sailor Moon Wallpaper's Collection! ;)

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  1. teepoo Oct 25, 2005

    its pretty good for your third wallpaper ^^ maybe next time you can create more depth in ur wallpaper because it looks very flat =3 the extraction needs a tiny bit more work around the edges because they're kinda unclean hehe good job though ^_~

  2. LunaTsukino Oct 25, 2005

    Thanks for the advices! ;)
    I'm still really inexperient with Photoshop... I'll work on this!
    And thanks for enjoying my works... ^-^

  3. mandileena Nov 14, 2005

    very cute!

  4. CosmoStar Jul 07, 2006

    How nice! You extracted from manga picture! That's really hard! Congrats!
    I really like this picture of Mina-chan! It's very funny, it realy shows what she is!
    The background is very interesting!

  5. KinomiyaMichiru Jan 20, 2009

    A nice Summer WP!

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