
Fire Emblem: Trio Attack!

Senri Kita, Fire Emblem, Titania (Fire Emblem), Soren, Ike (Fire Emblem)
Senri Kita Mangaka Fire Emblem Game Titania (Fire Emblem) Character Soren Character Ike (Fire Emblem) Character


For some reason, the Fire Emblem section is surprisingly small...thought I'd upload this cool lil' wallpaper I found on the official Japanese site ^-^ Don't they just look cool?! (especially Soren XD) It features (from left to right) Soren, Ike and Titania.

*Note*: I DID NOT create this wallpaper. It is the property of Nintendo and its related partners.

More Fire Emblem Scans

Browse Fire Emblem Gallery: Recent | Popular.

Browse Fire Emblem Gallery: Recent | Popular.


  1. tripleG Oct 25, 2005

    Hey nice wall! I like it a lot!!! ^_^

    The original art of the game...sighs... I want to play it!!

  2. Natsuki-MaiHime Dec 11, 2005

    Very very nice wallpaper! Thanks alots for sharing ^_^

  3. lthnadml Dec 25, 2005

    That is a very nice scan and the game was very nice too . . . i enjoy it very much. Nice submision Sallyf322! XD XD XD

  4. ritz Feb 25, 2006

    May i use this pic as my wallpaper><?
    is it a game?(if it is PS2 game,i'll find it to play.
    such a good game
    really nice lineart and coloring )

  5. DragonboyVNY Mar 29, 2006

    Huh? I really hate it the way we dont get good stuff in the west (like nintendo stars vip in europe).

    Cheers dudeman

  6. ramora Nov 23, 2008


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