
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper: Black Aurora

Carnelian, Pink Pineapple, Kao no nai Tsuki, Yuriko Kuraki Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Pink Pineapple Studio Kao no nai Tsuki Series,Visual Novel Yuriko Kuraki Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I actually had this for weeks in my HD, unfinished.... just now I decided to give it a go and finish this XD yeah, I am that lazy...

For some unknown reason, I always think there's something wrong in any night scenes I make... ah well... I guess I'm just crazy or something... Scan found in moeboard.... tree brushes, again, from Shinta. That's all... enjoy ^_^

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  1. pirotess669 Oct 20, 2005

    wow... this i awesome!! ^___^ yes you are crazy cause theres nothing wrong with it, its really good.

  2. evasion Oct 20, 2005

    Wow, it is truly beautiful! Definitely worth a fav - I love the background and how you integrated the scan. Fantastic work!

  3. Kenichi Oct 20, 2005

    i really like ur bgs not just this one but ur other ones also.
    i like the aurora effect in this one.
    the color is nice and dark. :hmpf: Also the foggy effect.

  4. Sanzosgirl19 Oct 20, 2005

    Wow just wow......this is wonderful I love walls that take place at night. It has a cold chilling feel to it. Your Crimson Sky wall has a warm feel to it but this one is colder. But in a good way. The girl is beautiful and she fits really well. She has been brought out well and the cbest part is the bear tree I love them. Thank you for shareing it. Keep up the great work. A+ and a fav. (*^_^*)

  5. RieRen Oct 20, 2005

    Nice wallie! The scan is very pretty too, also the background is great to. Thanks for posting! +favs

  6. Nane Oct 21, 2005

    THAT WALL IS THE ONE OF MY favourites. IT MAY BE "black aurora" BUT, IT brings ME A certain peace AND calm. congratulations!!!

  7. MoonlightEternity Oct 21, 2005

    ooo pretty! ^^ i love what u did in the background, the title doens't fit the scan well tho, i feel calm when i see the wallpaper XD either way, great job shadow-san! ^^

  8. knightstar3 Oct 21, 2005

    that is a very pretty night scene!! ^-^
    the trees looks awesome and very dark creepish feeling. :)
    pretty scan you used too, keep up the great works! XD

  9. gadgetgirl16 Oct 21, 2005

    wow! that is verry beautiful! i love the night sene and the stars of the night into the morning, i love the mist all around her and the calm feeling...great job!

  10. akazookin Oct 21, 2005

    kireii kireii~!! XD XD
    veri pretty night scene shadow-san~~ :) :)
    i like the bg~!! it's veri mysterious yet beautiful =)
    although the titles's named black aurora..there's kinda a warm feeling ni the wallie lol XD

    thanks for sharing!! kanbate!!! ^^v

  11. LordStyphon Oct 21, 2005

    Very nice. I love the black, starry sky (a given). The aurora and the clouds are both great, too, with the fog it turns into. The shadows seen through the fog are great, and the character scan fits the background perfectly. Great work.

  12. Idril Oct 21, 2005

    your newst wallie looks very good, my friend and me likes chara and effects you used!
    I think colors are good too and fits very good with background!
    just pretty!

  13. ccsketch Oct 21, 2005

    i love that background...the trees are really well done very foggy and...i dont know how to say it ... :)

  14. fawna-chan Oct 21, 2005

    oh! i love dark wallies! they're so so pretty! the background's super nice and the scan you used looks really good! my name in it the title too! yay! :D

  15. sukie Oct 21, 2005

    mmm...yes...you the master again...this wall is really pretty...do i say that to everyone of your walls?? well they are...
    but i think you could have done more to this one...like the effects more...just more! =P
    and the bottom of it looks too plain...no that that is not GOOD...just saying...i mean it's hard to find mistakes in your walls =D

  16. Emma Oct 21, 2005

    Very beautiful. I really like the scan. And the eerie mist really sets the mood of walking alone in the forest at night. The aurora effect is very good. I like the big grasses in the back adding to the idea of a meadow there. I suggest though that if you add some grasses in the forefront it will further incorporate the scan into the mystery of the woods and meadow. But that is just my opinion ^_~
    Overall, amazing. I really like the atmosphere this wall gives ^_^

  17. bbls Oct 22, 2005

    i luv the sense of mystery in your wall, and the mist definitely adds to that uneasy atmosphere! i also luv the aurora in the background..it's quite beautiful! and the leafless tress are perefect for the theme of your wall. you did a wonderful job here in making a night wallie... :D

  18. yoli Oct 22, 2005

    omggg so pretty. I think the blending of the green blue and purple in the background look awesome ^___^!

  19. Yina Oct 23, 2005

    mhmm.. the scan is really clean.. XD nyaa.. i think that i've seen that wallie before.. but with Rukia.. O__O nyaa.. never mind.. the bg is really beautiful though it's kinda cliched.. overall great work =3

  20. SkyKing8 Oct 28, 2005

    Nice mystery feel to it, looks great and very well laid out. Simple yet very effective in the way you set it out, excellent work! :D

  21. etherelithic Nov 14, 2005

    Very nice indeed. Always been a fan of darker wallpapers myself. I especially like the flowers she's holding. Whether it is part of the original scan or not, the color adjustments on them allow for a nice contrast with the mainly greyish background.

  22. kenny52690 Mute Member Nov 14, 2005

    wow nice wallpaper
    keep up the good work

  23. lthnadml Nov 16, 2005

    Pretty nice work . . . lovely background, nice dark colors . . . keep up the good work. XD XD XD

  24. AngelHiwatari Nov 18, 2005

    like dark colours.....spooky background.......^^

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