
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper: Soledad

Carnelian, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Fujihime Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Series,Visual Novel Fujihime Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My browser played a trick on me! I was going to update and I instead deleted the wallpaper! Yeah, sure, I have to blame someone, ne? That's easier to say I was stupid and deleted my own work. * sigh * Anyway, sorry about the people who are going to see this one again. I've changed a few things but it's basically the same. Oh, and don't forget Soledad means Loneliness but I still think it sounds cooler in spanish. I guess you poor people will have to bear with me... or not XD Please, do tell me what you think and give it a couple of faves if it deserves them. Otherwise... I still wanna know what you think! Thanks for reading this dullness!

Credit: Thanks to Keltosh for the lovely scan.


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  1. Faikenshin Oct 18, 2005

    Yay im frist well i think it is very preety. It is simpile but that is good because it is not too cluttered. the trees are very nice agenst the girl. it gives off a paeceful feeling. i am going to add it to my favs XD .

  2. tripleG Oct 18, 2005

    ^_- You already know what I think about this! It looks great (too bad you deleated it instead of uploading it...lol) Anyways nice colors!!

    Also I agree... soledad sound a lot better than loneliness...


  3. BlueAngel Oct 18, 2005

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww very pretty wallie iarly! i like the color of the tree blossoms...*hugs* keep up the good work! it looks really good!*doesnt kno why she missed seeing this one before lol =P* l8rz

  4. Emma Oct 19, 2005

    I do like the title. The Spanish is much better =)
    i do feel the lonilness in this wall. The scan looks sad and is extracted nicely. I love the leaves on the trees!! It looks like a painting. Your trees look nice with the texture. And the grass with little flowers I presume is wonderful. I even notice that you put shadows in. And even that turf of grass found in that loop of the hair. Smart!!! It blended your scan more into the background. And your sky color is so soft with the clouds. Nice work!! I like it!! It shows that you put a lot of time and effort into this ^_^

  5. Rikimaru-jp Oct 19, 2005

    Well I already commented on this one before it was deleted!! and you know that I really love the roses on the trees they look so wonderful and the colors are really joyful!!!
    grass looks so fresh and suits well with the background ;)
    character is smoothly blended with the whole wallie!!!
    really great work :)
    keep it up!!!

  6. Acuni Oct 19, 2005

    it looks beter now
    but i still think that the colours don't fit that well together
    keep it up

  7. Revan Retired Moderator Oct 19, 2005

    Ahh!! it's Eve!! haven't seen too many walls made from her, so it is really a good thing you have done one :D I just love the hole artwork from these series.
    On to the wall, nice grass you have made with good color use and nice variations of sizes to give depth. Also nice trees with good brushing over the leafs and the light source gives it a nice touch ;) I see that you have also worked the scan very good, nice extraction (which you already know I really apreciate ;) ).
    Really nice wall you have made... on another subject, perhaps the better word in english for Soledad would be Solitude... anyways, keep up the good work!!

  8. Linsheerian Nov 06, 2005

    That is so cute I love the character, she's so pretty!

  9. firemage Nov 08, 2005

    hey, this is a really good wallie. i love the purple solor you used.what software did u use? and did you make evry last one of those petals. if you did, that must of taken you the longest time ever! well, please give me answers to my guestions. and i hope we can be friends!

  10. RainnSnow Nov 17, 2005

    ooh...lookie at the sun rays...

  11. sangel99 Dec 23, 2005

    It's really pretty! ^-^ I think she's a lil' too big tho.....she's like...the same size as the trees ^_^' Good job anyways tho~! :)

  12. Angi Retired Moderator Aug 19, 2006

    really pretty she looks cute around that trees
    maybe the trees are too purplish maybe if they were a bit more lila color it would be great
    anyways nice work

  13. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 09, 2009

    grande wallpaper

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