Nice stuff.. I bought the game Thursday... It TOTALLY rocks ;).. Great scan there even tho its from Castlevania Dungeon...Needs to be recognised ^_^

Ayami Kojima Mangaka
Castlevania Game
Dmitrii Blinov Character
Hammer (Castlevania) Character
Soma Cruz Character
I'm somewhat surprised this isn't here already, but as I couldn't find it, here it is.
This was scanned from a promotional leaflet, probably from the E3, featuring thr full cast of Dawn of Sorrow, the newest Castlevania, out now for the Nintendo DS.
This is not my scan, credit goes to Kurt Kalata, webmaster of the Castlevania Dungeon:
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marcus Oct 31, 2005
mati-chan Sep 02, 2007
that's awesome!=]
I love the composition. thx for sharing ^^ -
mick66650 Jan 19, 2010
una chimba de scans :D....X3
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