this is unique.....
the anime girl behind....
so emphasizing one the wall, the efforst are seen at that, but however dampening the girl....
nice, actually, i think you could have made indy art or as a abstarct wall....
very nice, i am giving this a thumbs up for fav!
Artist Comment
Uh... yeah... srry about the title... O_=;; Yeah, i forgot her name... :X
OK, it looks really messy. i KNOW. But like... I was kinda experimenting with all the brushes i had and stuff. So stfu
U can barely see the girl, but like, she's there!! It's not a complete brush wallpaper!! >_>
Tell the goods and bads about it. Mostly goods plZ. :3
Heeeey ~ i read like a LOT of the manga but like... i kinda REALLY forgot her name...
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Devildude Oct 11, 2005
Kenji18 Oct 11, 2005
The colours work really well together, and the wallpaper is really nice, but the depth of shading on the anime character is a bit to detailed for the background methinks. Perhaps a more clean-cut vector styled image? Otherwise the background is really something!
Wizzie Oct 11, 2005
THe way you use all of your brushes is really great!! Looks pretty cool ^^
But, err... if it dun have a girl (yah it'd become a General Wallpaper -_-) maybe it be better 'coz she's so blur and :D like you said, barely to see (^^). Anyway, this wall iz nice and certainly I can't make it =__= -
Clubspacer Oct 11, 2005
Nice putting her way back into the background. Very original.
kuchikidesert Oct 12, 2005
cute!! I like it.. It's unique, cool brushes, did you buy them? I've ever seen the brushes, but we must pay for them..
Spoo May 31, 2006
her name was Miharu ^_^ I like the pattern you made. You could always make her more visible later if you wanted, for now this is fine ^^
danteslullaby Mute Member Feb 19, 2010
este no lo tenia muchas gracias por el wall
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