
Candidate for Goddess Wallpaper: StarryAngel

Yukiru Sugisaki, Xebec, Candidate for Goddess, Teela Zain Elmes Wallpaper
Yukiru Sugisaki Mangaka Xebec Studio Candidate for Goddess Series Teela Zain Elmes Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well this wallpaper took me a while to finish it and to decide how i was going to leave it because it had a moon then i deleted the moon and stuff.. so it was difficult to actually decide how it was going to end but i'm glad i left it like this ^^.. and i hope everyone likes it as much as i did..
Dedicated to: Jessenia, Keiichi333, K4N3, and RequiemX.

Layers: 50
Time: 2 days
Disclaimer: The scan is not mine

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  1. jediknight14 Oct 09, 2005

    Nice, .... Seems a bit too bright though
    Very nice with the Stary BG effect...
    The face could use a bit more detail, maybe......

    EDIT: Almost forgot:

    Candidate for Goddess, huh....
    I haven't seen that series in over 3 years I think....

    It's really Sad that they cancelled that series before it was finished :(
    I really like it.

  2. asasd Banned Member Oct 09, 2005

    ...mmm... yes... a like this background... the colors... contrast .... sip ...
    really i like ... fav++

    Thanks for sharing it!!!


  3. RurouniXKenshin Oct 09, 2005

    This is a very good wallpaper and I see you took allot of time to create it. I have also created a number of wallpapers in my life since Photoshop 6, but I have only 1 problem with your wallie. Its kinda bright to put on your desktop.

    I will give your wallpaper a 8/10 rating.

    How I work this out is: You get 10 points.
    Every mistake I see I take away 1 point.
    [1] - You can see a little bit of her face = 1
    [2] - It's kind of bright = 1

  4. dalidadod Oct 09, 2005

    OX well u should be glad ...its an awesome walllie...i like the colors,and tha scan look so kawaii ^_^' ...gr8 job thanx for sharin OX

  5. keiichi333 Oct 09, 2005

    Oh wow!!! You just keep blowing me away with these great wallpapers! Keep up the great work! You're the best!

  6. DarkIngram Oct 09, 2005

    awesome wallpaper... good choice of the colors even though the background is bright....

    keep it up... :)

  7. tian82 Oct 09, 2005

    Like the background !! And the colour too !!! Good work and thank for sharing it wtih us !!!

  8. ROSEANA Oct 09, 2005

    well ,It's Beutyful.....................................................thank you..................

  9. magicmarkers Oct 09, 2005

    oh, my, god... ITS green! hehehhe thanks for the great work! once again.. i'll add it to my favs when minitokyo lets me add more!

    -- Jeannie, "I LOVE green AND yellow!"

  10. akazookin Oct 09, 2005

    really nice choice of colours..demo gomen ne..i must say..it's a lil too bright >_<
    nice feathers thou hehe :) anyway kanbate!! ^^V

  11. Rikimaru-jp Oct 09, 2005

    Wonderful work Mineharu-Chan as always :) the background is well done and the effects are amazing really look so cool :) nice color "Green" too it adds lots of beauty to the wallie :)
    the character is perfectly extracted and blended nicely to the background not to mention that it suits it very well ;)
    the girl really look so cute and so innocent! nice choice ;)
    keep it up my good friend :)

  12. Akira-san Oct 09, 2005

    It's a really nice wallie but like the other is toooo bright *almost blinded* x~
    The scan you used is so cute and nice colors you put on this ^^

  13. elfenknight Oct 09, 2005

    I like the green! Her eyes are great. but maybe a bit darker on her chin and nose, to give a little definition? and of course, jumping on the "bright" bandwagon :)

  14. tripleG Oct 09, 2005

    Yei mine!!

    You decided to upload it! ^_^

    You already know what I think about this! Good job!

  15. requiemX Oct 10, 2005

    thanks for the dedicatory, mine. well, I really like the background with those bright colours and sparkels. nice work

  16. Wslasher Oct 10, 2005

    beautiful scan miss!

  17. hongrboi Oct 10, 2005

    Ahh a CfG wall!! I think this wall looks just fine without the moon. Great idea for the feathers flowing down. Too bad you didn't do it for your previous wall.

  18. kizarey Oct 10, 2005

    Te quedo excelente la neta me dejaste sin palabras................ la verdad es que tiene mucha iluminocidad pero aun asi se ve muy bien..........

    Como que eso le ayuda a resaltar mejor

    Solo me queda Felicitarte y decirte que fue un excelente trabajo.......

  19. Jessenia Oct 10, 2005

    I liike this picture I love the picture that u post I add this to my fav 2 Keep sending mr more of your pictures see yah chido bye

  20. bevy-chan Oct 10, 2005

    I love this wallpaper!! The image looks so fragile but then again the background adds a touch in fierce yet sweet bliss....I wanted to say that ^_^' anyway nice wallpaper!

  21. chii0103 Oct 10, 2005

    wOah... it's been a whiLe.. T_T sOb... i've beeN awaY for so long... :D anywaY.. it's gOod to see mineharu with heR wOrks again.. missEd it.. hihi...

    weLL just likE befOre.. ^_^ i likE it~!... kaWaii indEed..~! :D

    keeP it uP girL~! :D

  22. Tomoyo01 Oct 11, 2005

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teelas eyes are so cool on this picture!!!!!!!!

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