
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper: Moonlight Hug

Carnelian, Kao no nai Tsuki, Suzuna Kuraki, Mizuna Kuraki Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Kao no nai Tsuki Series,Visual Novel Suzuna Kuraki Character Mizuna Kuraki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I'm pretty sure the category is Carnelian....but I'm not sure, so I'll leave it in Unknown.
A friend on my msn list asked me to do a wallpaper with this scan that she sent me awhile ago. The extraction was brutal and it still didn't come out right, so I put a glow around the girls to make it look smoother. It's nothing too complicated, I copied the grass off a photo because I don't have those brushes in my version of Photoshop. I made the scan darker than the original because other than the moon, they're both not very lit.

Hope some of you out there enjoy this.

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  1. Nona Oct 08, 2005

    Nice work with the scan. I think also this is Carnelian, but I'm not sure. Nice wallpaper! :)

  2. DarkEVO Oct 09, 2005

    Seems like a good decent wallpaper.
    I can see the extraction cutting.
    But the starry background looks nice.
    And the moon is same as eeveryone's wall. (This is getting too comment).
    But however it's still a decent wall.

  3. Oshii-Rion Oct 09, 2005

    Looks very cool!
    I like this wall! xD
    +fav ;)

  4. Shinryo Oct 10, 2005

    omg!! this is really really great wall!!!
    luv this two charactors XD XD
    nice done!

  5. mustang2005 Oct 10, 2005

    wow thats good

    he he cody hahaha
    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha arnt i really anoying

  6. pamkips Oct 11, 2005

    ah this wallie feels soo smooth and eternal! i wuv it! ee electrastar-sama made something i love again! great job...i really can't see any extration probs..soooooo yesh

  7. strawberrt Oct 18, 2005

    Cute, it looks more like a moonlight peck =) Great job on this wallpaper, I like it

  8. chikage-kekinha Nov 27, 2005

    Nice wallpaper! It's great!

  9. happygreendragonfly Dec 19, 2005

    Looks really good!

  10. jefemaestro89 Feb 01, 2006

    very good

  11. Anarkibn Feb 08, 2006

    this wall is great and the scan is really look smooth and i hope to see more of wall like this except different scans and backgrounds. :) :) adding to my fav is a definite for this one :) :)

  12. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 01, 2009

    lindo esse wallpaper =)...

    merged: 08-01-2009 ~ 06:36pm
    lindo esse wallpaper =)...

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