Flyin this one is awesome !
So calm and clean :D
Even if it looks simple .
i love it !
Dedicated to crapmonster, who sees a world with different colors; Tama-Neko, for being a constant source of inspiration; Keltosh, for being Keltosh nii-san, and all the organizers, judges, group admins, and participants of the W.A.R.
I often feel like I get too much credit for organizing W.A.R. Honestly, it couldn't have happened without the constant support of everyone involved, so... much thanks everyone. flyin is very grateful for the chance to get to know all of you better. *bows*
So about this wall... First time using textures, smudge tool, and doing actual painting (based off of stock photos), yoroshiku. Conceptually this wall was doomed from the start. I showed crap the original tiny scan of Chiyoko, and he said it was un-wallable. He consequently had to hear a lot of my whines...
To start the story of this wall properly from the beginning: once upon a time there was a girl named flyin who was a BAKA inefficient noob waller. She found a tiny scan off of google that she wanted to wall, but couldn't find it on MT. She proceeded to enlarge and smudge like mad for most of one night, and redid the background. Then she wanted help, but because she wanted to surprise the people she's dedicating the wall too, she kind of got stranded. One afternoon, she had a conversation with Furi that went something like this:
flyin: Help me furi...
Furikuu (after looking at wall): [advice advice advice]
flyin: how 'bout the scan?
Furi: it looks kind of blurry.
flyin: I couldn't find a good one on MT T_T
Furi: I've definitely seen a wall with this image before, which means there's a high-res image somewhere...
Did you look on AP?
flyin: OxO............. *considers stabbing self and throwing the entire wall into the trash*
So yah. I forgot to look on AnimePaper... I'm so BAKA... so I had to extract AGAIN and also smudge (there's a reason why that scan is cheap... T_T) and then got stuck again on background idea before I came up with the idea to paint in the branches and orchids from stock photos. I spent almost all of last night looking for Chinese calligraphic fonts but CS2 wouldn't load them properly T_T So I cheated and used a googled calligraphy photo for the words. This morning I nudged things around until my brain feels like mush, and I've been fermenting in front of the computer for the past three days, so...
I'm proud of how it shows that I actually have some photoshop skills outside of extraction, and it's my first good "simple-ism" wall. But right now I think it's a piece of crap... too high expectations on my part after dedicating it to all those great wallers T_T Comments and advice welcome as always T_T *dies*
EDIT: Thumbnail really is evil >.>
No other submissions
Flyin this one is awesome !
So calm and clean :D
Even if it looks simple .
i love it !
What a beautiful wallpaper *puts it on her desktop*
I simply love this asian design and the colors.
Thanks for sharing this great piece of work *adds to fav*
Ohhh is feels very elegant. true it is simple, but it's classy. I like it, honest (on my moderator word :d)
i especially like the fact that is express a feeling of soemthing old and traditional. As for things that should not be
there, hmm maybe the only thing is that black tree who's a little too dark. But apart from that, well done :d
Me = your new obsessive fan. *throws panties on 'dreams walling stage* Wooooo! Marry me! XD
Anyway, I told you before and I'll say it again: I love it. It's gonna sit on my desktop for a long time to come. 'Nuff said. :)
Beautiful piece of work. I can't say that enough. It's simple, but that's just the beauty of it. I've seen the movie too, so I'm glad that I can now see a wallpaper depicting it. Great design once again. The atmosphere is quite right for it too.
Ciao. ^_~
wow this is the very best i have seen from you.
thanks a lot. and do more more... +fave
it is just perfect in my eyes...
You have done great job.
The background color is
nice. And those flower and marks are
beautiful. The character is in great spot
and circle around her in nice too.
So it really is great work nice job.
keep up the good work.
not sure about the person asleep but hay it still good like the tradtional chinese.
this is a nice looking wallpaper. I like it. I hope you will make more of them.
its brilliant!!!!!!!! i love the whole asian feel to it. make more like this! (please)
Fantastic work! You did a great job of cleaning up that awful scan!! x) Love the simplicity and japanese paint theme. Nice work.
Most impressive! Traditional, simple, and quite well done. Quite a good piece of work!
woah nice bg, simple and elegant >_<
i dunno, but for me i'll flip the girl upside down, cuz it looks kinda awkward in this view....just my
other than that, great job flyin'!~ :D
Quote by ayakiwoah nice bg, simple and elegant >_<
i dunno, but for me i'll flip the girl upside down, cuz it looks kinda awkward in this view....just my preference..hehe
other than that, great job flyin'!~ :D
i agree; my only crit on an otherwise flawless wall. unlike ayaki i would have her head[ facing] at 3oclock..
i love the composition of the piece it reminds of those old japanese artworks i love so much.
this is so pretty flyindreams OX
methinks there is nothing really to say cept for the fact that i can't make up my mind whether she is on the
screen, or sleeping on a screen :x
otherwise, it's coool and you dedicated it to all the w.a.r people XP *hugs*
you work too hard >_<
*kicks herself to try to do work and instead finds herself on photoshop*
gyahhh!! T_T
Really great concept, good choice of colors and a good choice in style. +Fav
this is a wonderful wall! i love the painted flowers and the orange of chiyoko's kimono, but maybe i would bring over some of that orange to the flowers on the left, just to add that extra bit of cohesion to the wall. and i personally feel that she's in the right position.
now i feel so very honoured to have participated in WAR; and yes, you do deserve that credit! ^_________^
Haha, I love that googled caligraphy font idea! I don't think its really cheating is it? Well using a wordprocessor to type would also be considered cheating! ; )
the newspaperish texture turned out real nice and the extraction is a solid job. the traditional type painting fits very well with the scan. overall the only thing i could suggest is what keltosh said and possibly make the tree a little lighter and allow the paper texture to sort of show through the painting. anyways, overall its a real awesome and simplistic wall!
Oh god... I just saw this... you are one of the walling experts??? O-O This one looks really good... oh my... this wallpaper has such a special atmosphere.... it's really beautiful... and i love the composition that you made... +fav ^^
oh my..this is beautiful flyindreams!! :) :)
yes it's simple..but it's so classy!! and i like simple!! hehe.. XD
the wallie has portrayed a veri traditional and oriental feel..i love it!
+favs+ excellent job ne!! i'm ur new fan now!! XD XD XD
Nice stuff, fly-chan. Simple and easy to the eyes. :)
Just a minor suggestion; maybe you could try adding a few more flowers/petals to the branch. But that's just me. *shrugs*
Beautiful wallie. :D Simple, and well done!
Very, very good work. :D
Thanks a lot for sharing it. :D
Beautiful, clean wallpaper. I love the composition of it, wonderful.
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