In my opinion i think this wallie is much better, as a whole, than the Light and Krad wallie....good job!

1280x1024 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Yes, it IS a Sailor Moon wallpaper, featuring none other than Tsukino Usagi herself in bright yellow! I am uncreative and could not think of anything else to put in the wall other than her, her name, and a background which made my hand HURT. It looks pretty simple, but it made my brain bleed. Maybe I jus don't have enough skillz now ;_;
Adobe Photoshop
2 days
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Magicalmoonangel Jan 04, 2007
sairacalderon14 Nov 16, 2009
Quien crea stos lindos wallpapers
merged: 11-16-2009 ~ 05:18am
HOla amigos animefanaticos me encantan estos wallpapers -
piggy2828 Jan 16, 2010
i like the bright yellow, it's awesome!
firuzes Mute Member May 11, 2010
not bad...however she is very good looking.
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