
Inuyasha Wallpaper: Inu-Yasha - Sesshomaru

Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru Wallpaper
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Inuyasha Series Sesshoumaru Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well this was my 1st attempt at making a landscape , i think the wallpaper looks good overall , cuz the shineness of the wallpaper adds a nice feelings to it , the buttom grass and stuff can be fixed up but like i said earlier in my other wallpaper , i dont have any psds for my wallpapers.....cuz of the lack of space on my drive.

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  1. Palani Jun 11, 2004

    The background and image are very nice. They fit nicely together.

    There are only two problems namely the Lens Flare . It doesn't fit in IMO.
    The other thing is lose the text. It doesn't have the romantic feel of the rest of the image and is destroying it. If you insist of having a font try something that blends with the style of the image.

    Besides that, very nice job.

  2. Ace Jun 11, 2004

    what is that in the background? it almost looks like tower of some sort in the back. I like the effects of the clouds and sky. the grass looks alright, and the image is cleaned up well. good job overall.

  3. pelfmiester Jun 11, 2004

    This is a nice wallpaper. The text should be at the bottom of the wallpaper or in the corners instead of in the middle though. The wallpaper itself is great though.

  4. brahma_bull_rj Jun 11, 2004


  5. HentaiGaijin Jun 11, 2004

    hes got the touch! hes got the GLOW!


  6. exentric Jun 12, 2004

    this is a pretty nice wall
    the typo IMO is ok. nothing bad about it. but I agree with pelfmiester. The text should be moved lower.
    other then that, I dont have any complaint
    its a good wall
    *thumbs up~!*

  7. keenan83 Jun 12, 2004

    nice wall man.

  8. Eowyn Jun 12, 2004

    I love Sesshoumaru!! The sky is beautiful! Great job

  9. kayous88 Jun 13, 2004

    Nice background, ^_^ i like it :)

  10. Asahi Jun 13, 2004

    yeah nice walli but the transition of blue (sky) and green is not okay.. =/

  11. RAXXEPUNK Banned Member Jun 26, 2004

    COOL wallpaper

  12. ungooma Jul 07, 2004

    super wallpaper!

  13. SVZ Jul 09, 2004

    Ooh... the clouds look fantastic! ^^ I love this.

  14. youkokoryuu Jul 10, 2004

    Most unique!!! Keep it up!

  15. TEKKAMANII Aug 06, 2004


  16. MooMooMooCow Aug 06, 2004

    mmmmmmmm good

  17. Sesshoumaru-sama Sep 05, 2004

    Very good.

  18. c0wh0ly Sep 30, 2004


  19. blueboy83 Oct 06, 2004

    nice wall

  20. Richie Oct 24, 2004

    nice... I like the way you did on background... especially the stock, it fits well

  21. Hitomi-Yuki Nov 04, 2004

    The colors, the colors, the colors! Yeah, I'm a big fan of green...and Sesshomaru. VERY nice work there.

  22. mithrilagent Dec 07, 2004

    sesshoumaru looks like a GOD! (which he is of course...cough cough)

  23. Morrauk Jan 14, 2005

    good wallpaper

  24. raxis Jan 21, 2005

    very nice wallpaper

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