wow! she is cute. i like the background. good work.
Quote by BassXXGospel Cannon!!
Huh...other from me...not excited...�¬�¬
It was made in the same program *Pixia*...again its a simple wall...if you see it in full size is a totally CRAP!
I dont wanna talk about it...
Comments, Advices, favs....are welcome...^^
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Ahh very cool, she looks like a priestess, and all the colors in the background are wicked, great job there.. :) :D
very nice very pritty backgorund for a pritty priestess w00tw00t
Hey! I like how you pulled some of the colors from her dress into the background! It makes for good compisition. The picture looks sweet and very tasteful! Needless to say, I'm impressed! :D
O_O very nice back ground i like it keep working this is great ^_^
sweet wallpaper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) fav ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D Que lindo te ha quedado, esta genial, el fondo y la chica estan lindos
Esta navideño XD
Excelente :D
A amazing work in lights and shadows! This character are so cute one! ^_____^ A really great job on this one!
hey hey MagicianFairy good job on the new wall :D u always say everything is crap :P it looks nice fav'ed for you ^^
ohhh esta muy bonita :D recuerda a las de RO pero quien sabe...
Excelente 10.0 perfec calification :nya:
Awww what do you mean this is crap?? This is great!!! Really! I like it! Im looking at the big version and I really like how you blended everything together. It makes it look misty and mysterious! Its beautiful really, I love it! Keep up the great work! I will talk to you later! Take care!
I love the colour blends and the softness it brings to the wallpaper.
Ahh, that a nice wall. That's a clean good background with a good looking gal. And it's unknown too. Once again, you made a good wall and came in a suprise.
I like the girl and the clouds around her look really soft, also like the beams of light
looks nice well done :)
Oh well done another wonderful wallpaper but I wouldn't expect anything less from you!
^^ Well, the thumbnail looks good. It has a very lovely layout.
But the noise (or texture) you put on it is totlely unnecessary. it makes the whole wall looks poor quality><
hey! cool wallpaper i like the background fits perfect with the pretty girl. NIce job.
hehe cute walie..and the girl is sweet..^_~..anyway keep up the good work
Oh it's such a shame that you still don't have Photoshop because i'm sure it would look great.The concept
i very good & the wall is simple & nice!
See ya! ;)
this is not's absolutely beautiful! i luv your concept here with the castle in the sky! i also luv your colors because they compliment the girl perfectly and the clouds are very pretty and fluffy. lovely work, fairy! :D
I love the wall, the extraction is great, that background is great, the only that is stopping me from faving it is the mist in front of the character... it just doesn't fit :( I really love that castle though.
Very nice wallie! I like this scan you use, background is also made very good! Thanks for sharing.
the girl is very pretty and the background is beautiful. thanks for sharing.
Nice picture, very nice artwork, I like it quite a bit. -Clicks on it and saves himself a copy to use on his upstairs computer's wallpapers.-
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