Great Job Dufoe :) I already saw this wallie and I told you that it looks good :)
I really like the idea it's cool!!! I haven't watched Saikano but still I like this wallie!
keep it up!
Artist Comment
hello everyone..
A new wallpaper i made it today for Saikano series.. it took with me about 4 hours, and 33 layers..
scan i found it from google XD
and besides.. for the people who watch Saikano.. there is an ova for it is out now.. ^^
well enjoy cyaa
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Rikimaru-jp Sep 14, 2005
Rhonda21 Sep 14, 2005
This wallpaper looks cool. Great concept and everything. Awesome job!!!
sukie Sep 14, 2005
the wall is perfect!!! i love it!! must fav!! nice bg the paper and buildings really did the job!! =D
everfall Sep 14, 2005
Great job Dufoe!~~
The girl looks really sad and depressed, a lot of meaning to this wallie!!
I really like how you did the background, it all fits perfectly together =DD Keep up the good work, you get a fav from meeeee~~
Cya~ for now -
SealedSword Sep 14, 2005
Never seen Saikano, but this wallpaper has me interested in it already XD
Nice background, has a good view =p
i wonder why the girl is sad >__<
Nice job Dufoe! = ) -
Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 14, 2005
I've wanted to see this anime for the longest time! This wall is great, the background is awesome and the scan fits well. Great job as always!
shockwave-pulsar Sep 14, 2005
A sublimely magnificent wallpaper, great work Dufoe88, everything blends perfectly, nicely done.
MOnTieL Mute Member Sep 15, 2005
VeRy GOOd renember me to a WWII Photo i have in my desktop......
see u later...---------------------------------------------------------------(...)
dianas Sep 15, 2005
my friend i have seen Saikano..and is a little disturbing the so good i almost cry at the end..anyway the story is sad but love beats everithing...the idea for the wallie is cool..^^..she is the supreme weapon that can save humanity or destroy it
Ayasal Sep 15, 2005
OMG! looks great you did a great job on the buildings! it has a sad feeling to it... :(
keep it up! XP XP XP -
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Sep 15, 2005
Hmm seems a bit bland for my taste. Saikano seem out of place in there, if you made her more blended in the wall then it would look better, put more clouds almost touching the city but leave the rest on the top big and less.... the buildings are alright but seem ok but it doesnt blend also... it needs to stand out more like the bomber planes (Or vice versa) and needs to have it burn with smoke and some fire. MAybe theres a bit too much text i would just stick with the Japanese writing then you put the title of the series then on the bottom the "She is the perfect weapon" and it would be good. Above all else keep it up!
Aeya Sep 15, 2005
You made an awesome wallpaper as always! ^^ Great job, keep it up!
leosama84 Sep 15, 2005
coolio dude, i like ur wallie
ur work is very nice, i admire it ^_^
see ya around, n keep up the great work!
Leo -
mughi Sep 15, 2005
Oh, wow. This wallpaper is so cool looking. I have not seen the anime but I heard it is good and also disturbing at the same time. As she is living weapon it is appropriate that you chose background that of destruction of city being destroyed. The character is unwilling but she has no choice.
Another fine wallpaper you have created and thanks much. By the way, the plane you did on the background has striking resemblence to Lockheed P-38 fighter-bomber. Coincidence?
Lenne Sep 15, 2005
Yeah very good job,me like it alot.
I like the textures on it.It's very good my friend.
See ya! ;) -
Yina Sep 15, 2005
mhmm the scan is just too blurry... >.< the city seems to be okay and it fits well to the scan.. as oA said theres too much text.. but overall nice idea and composition.. =D
Kiako Sep 15, 2005
nice wallpaper, the chara is very pretty and i like her face expression too.
the bg fits well to her and the atmosphere is very good.
keep up the good work. -
Acuni Sep 15, 2005
what an nice wallie
i like the scenary and the effects you made
Nona Sep 15, 2005
Yes, I saw the oav :D thanks for the info.
The wallpaper: woow. very good job, as always! I like the bg (the war, and the meaning not)
the texture is good :) The scan is a bit blurry, but owerall a nice job! :) -
Kiki01 Sep 16, 2005
oooooooh i haven't heard of the series, but the wallpaper is so cute that i'm interested in seeing what the series is about now XD
semanga Sep 16, 2005
ohhh my good this is so cool
the city is awesome one of the best city bg what i had ever see
thanks for share this wall honey -
BaKaShInIgAmI Sep 16, 2005
nice wallie!
the background looks amazing. the planes...the all looks great.
i love the overall feeling of this wall.
i haven't seen the series but i think u convinced me to watch it with this wall. :)
good job! -
Erosenin Sep 16, 2005
Quote by SealedSwordNever seen Saikano, but this wallpaper has me interested in it already XD
Nice background, has a good view =pi wonder why the girl is sad >__<
Anwyays...Nice job Dufoe! = )..yessssssss,,,,
..nice wallpaper..mannnnnnnn... -
cloh Sep 18, 2005
Great wall^^
I like it^^ The atmosphere is really great!
The bg is really amazing^^
Good job as always^^
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