I love the way your wings turned out :) But as an old hand I've got a few suggestions for ya! The stars are sharp and the moon and buildings are not, it really breaks up the perspective of the background. I try to have all of the background in the same sharpness or if I am going for an intense perspective make the back layers really blurry or add a foreground (leaves or something, always keep it simple) and blur it. When you are veiwing a full night sky, try not to put too many stars.. in this walls case since its over a city you should have even less. I like the way you have done the buildings but to add intrest and depth you can make a few more layers of them and make the smaller as you get further back. Thats my two cents :) Hope I helped!
Artist Comment
Yeah got another wall in.
Well this is a character from to heart 2 although i know nothing about it.
I'm very happy on how this turned out, so i hope you like it too.
Comments and critique are well appreciated.
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fooblued Sep 13, 2005
xheartlessx Sep 13, 2005
I love the wings .... Ive been trying to do something simmilar but i havent been able so if you can give me a few pointers ill appreciate it ^_^ btw awesome PIC ^_^
Bla-demer Sep 13, 2005
Really nicely done.
I like how wings have been
done. Nice blue colour. Background
is kind of nice by its own way.
Really good wall. Keep up the good work. ;) -
loveyou Mute Member Sep 13, 2005
Beautiful just beautiful the you blended everything together wonderfully. The character seems like she belong there, definately one of my faves. Keep up the good work
Etfuentes Sep 14, 2005
Beautiful scan you did a great job. Good work!!! the only thing i can see wrong was that you spray stars on the left hand side of your moon other than that it was very nice.
Thanks for sharing :) :) -
anjo Sep 17, 2005
** gasp ** wow!! loving it!! ^^ adding to favorites!! nice work!! keep it up!! XD
vin-chan Nov 05, 2005
Nice wallie@.@
enchantment Apr 04, 2006
i love how you did the wings, theyre really pretty ^^
Angi Retired Moderator Apr 22, 2006
Really nice wings
its beautiful
I like it
FAV! -
Melisandre Oct 16, 2006
The wings are great! Maybe the background looks a bit plain but I like it anyway
leot486 May 27, 2007
always was interested in the angel thing...
DSL367 Jun 07, 2007
Aww... Lucy Maria ^_^' ! She's sooo kawaii; together with those angelic wings!
She's sooo adorable ~! Wish I could hug her... -_-
+Faves! Thanks for sharing! :D
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