
Akane Ikegami Wallpaper: the_rain_finally_stop

Akane Ikegami Wallpaper
Akane Ikegami Mangaka

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

a wallpaper of unknown little witch, the bg is composed of leaves, circles, bricks, and water with reflection of clouds and sun.

heres the link to the real scan http://www.animepaper.net/scans/Original-Art/entry17775/.

first the leaves, actually this is a brush composed of three layer, the darkgreen, lightgreen and the real leaves with emboss a little and added a faint dropshadow.

the circle is also a brush but i overlap three small circle with jap text and added small unbound texts to it and motion blur it to make a light effect to it

the bricks are just simple lines and transform it perspective to to give it a little angle and added a dropshadow and emboss the do the trick, and also added a faint texture to it to make it more like a brick.

the water, i'm really not sure if the water fits the wallpaper. it wall circle smoothen the edges and added a inner shadow to create a fill effect and lowwer the opacity and added the clouds to it to make it like a reflection.

well thats concludes this wallpaper hope you'll all like it.

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  1. Kougaxgirl Sep 11, 2005

    OH! this is so cute....lol such a awesome wallpaper...you did a really good job on this! i love love love it! hehe tootles XP

  2. SealedSword Sep 11, 2005

    She looks very cute =P
    And the background looks good too
    Welldone, keep it up! = )

  3. sangel99 Sep 11, 2005

    Aww she's so adorable!! ^^ Great job, I love the background! ^^

  4. loveyou Mute Member Sep 11, 2005

    The wall is awesome. Really artistic and intense. I really like the text in the walls. Great job!

  5. DarkIngram Sep 12, 2005

    really cute girl!!! XD she looks like innocent :) the bricks are cool and the circle's glow are awesome... :nya:

  6. xange Sep 12, 2005

    aww .........that's so kawaii.......... the background and all fits well :) don't worry about the water it looks nice there

  7. Esty Feb 11, 2007

    its very brigt and beautiful

  8. ninja123 Jun 17, 2007

    The reason is her! ^_^

  9. korii Nov 16, 2008

    she look so cute! :D
    I like the text :)

  10. vaguita Sep 17, 2010

    wow great I like it a lot

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