
SaiKano Wallpaper: And rain washed all my fears...

Shin Takahashi, SaiKano, Chise Wallpaper
Shin Takahashi Mangaka SaiKano Series Chise Character

1280x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Sorry but this desription is kinda weird because i dislocate my hand and it hurts ; __ ;

PLEASE FULL VIEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am i back ? Well meaby , now you should just enjoy my newest work , make a lot of comments and critic (me love it because me want to be better) !

About wall : Owww my oww my ! It was a really hard work X_x Extremly hard work.
This one took me smthin about a WEEK of workin. Me knows that it's still not good but belive me : I really put a lot of work and my heart to make this one .

Time : Week
PSD file : 70 mb
Layers : About 90

My Inspiration : My boyfriend <3 =* and this scan , i really love it.


Thanks to EGRIMM !!!

Well about how i made it : I put a lot of different effects on the scan , the bg is my own work (ieven if there is not a lot of bg space there) . I stayed with the orange color. I wanted to make somthin different and i guess i made it because this one is really weird. But i like it :)
And when i was near to finish it i thought : RAIN ! I must make a rain effects , meaby abstract but rain really should fit here.And me put rain effect. Hope it's a good choose 4 this one
Oww and i also put some clock brushes becauce of my idea of wall. I wanted to make a kinda sad story about the girl which thought that it;s the end of time.But then it started to rain and it washed all her fears and she's crying because she's happy now :) Stupid , me know :P Whatever :) Enjoy my work guys , i reallu put a hard work , especially on the scan (cleaning this one was a really hard work because there was a txt on the girl)

Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: Kai
Wall: [Get up and Fight-WAR] noParking
Reason:No words to descript how amazing this work is. Check this one you should (Yoda :P)


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  1. AC2N Sep 08, 2005

    pretty or sad... that is the question...
    but the fact this is beautiful is not a question !!!!!! ;)
    Love it so much.... as usual.
    It's a pleasure to see walls from you again....
    see yaaaa

  2. Dufoe88 Sep 08, 2005

    I've watched Saikano series and I really like it, btw.. there is an OVA for it.. just to tell you if you don’t know ^^
    About the wallpaper it's really appealing, good work with this one Sandra, well cyaa later..
    Bye bye

  3. BaKaShInIgAmI Sep 08, 2005

    nice wallie!
    it looks great. you worked hard on it and it shows. :)
    i really like the rain effect and i love the way the scan looks.
    the background matches perfectly with the scan.
    i also like the clock effect.
    the concept and the thought put into this wall is amazing.
    good job!

  4. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Sep 08, 2005

    Nice work cleaning the scan and giving it a more "anime look",also the background looks good with that sunset,the whole rain/watercolor thing fits nicely...nothing more to say

  5. Rikimaru-jp Sep 08, 2005

    Great work Sandra! :) you did a wonderful job on this one!
    the background looks fantastic and suits the character a lot and its really something different you did here ;) I love the idea!!!
    keep it up
    *wish I have any favs left* because I would fav it for sure anyway the fav should wait till next week!!!!

  6. Yina Sep 08, 2005

    mhmm.. a sad wallie.. ;__; well great work on the effects.. looks like rain is dropping on the wallie and destroys the colours.. >_< overall excellent job, ne =D

  7. RieRen Sep 08, 2005

    It's a sad wallie, but very cool looking! I don't see much sad wallies anymore^^' So I like it!
    Thanks for posting +favs

  8. semanga Sep 08, 2005

    very nice work honey u did a wonderful work cangratulation u have a good taste and magic fingers to make so grandios walls like this

  9. Andulien Sep 08, 2005

    wow that is a really good one really well done. thx for showing us i like it.
    Hope to see you around

  10. fukushuusha Sep 08, 2005

    nice texture work here with some good cleaning.
    u are really getting better at filtering sandra :) the bg is also looks great with nice colors.
    great work sandra

  11. tetsuo211 Sep 09, 2005

    Looks good... love the textures and the look and feel of this image.... well done :)

  12. white-zero Sep 09, 2005

    Gorgeous texture work there. Is this kinda style getting more popular? >_<

    Great job as always.

  13. TrinityLi Sep 09, 2005

    All your hard work really shows. This is a nice wall. I love the texture. It looks like a watercolor painting. Great scan, too. She looks so sad, aww...
    Great job and thanks for sharing!

  14. Arashi-san Sep 09, 2005

    =) it looks really nice
    i like the effects you used ^^
    but yes its kind of weird xD

    greets Arashi-san

  15. fooblued Sep 09, 2005

    I really love the texture applied to the whole wall, it adds a lot of uniformity and appeal to the wall. Wonderful :)

  16. knightstar3 Sep 11, 2005

    cool texture!! ^ - ^ i like it a lot, you don't see too many of those around! :) definitely fav! ;)
    keep it up! :D

  17. nanatsuki Sep 11, 2005

    nice wall , looks good,

  18. kai81220 Sep 11, 2005

    nice to see your starting to submit again sandra ^^

    really did a great job of cleaning up the text on the original. a lot of emotion from the girl and the colors of the whole thing is nice XD but even though the rain doesnt really look like rain, it looks like watercolour, which is even better =]
    i also kinda see the roman numerals of a clock, a nice touch too

    thanks for the plug!!!! ^_____________________^

    lol this is a nice piece of work, definitely an orginal reso and format +fav

  19. jingjing1208 Sep 12, 2005

    Oh,Beautiful!I can see your hard work!^^
    Nice wall as always!!

  20. jinhui Sep 12, 2005

    Great work yr hard work is worth it it's really a very good wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. flamealchimist Sep 14, 2005

    really good!
    i really like!
    keep up the good work!

  22. camacho Sep 15, 2005

    hi wellcome back it a long time.... i was gone to
    and i make a thread in your honor :) hehehehe
    but i don think that i am going to be here more oftem becasuse i have to study all the day ...... but well nice to see you ... but i dont think you are going to see me alot hehehe

    o and yes nice wally looks like trigun for the right arm :)


  23. Karolina Sep 15, 2005

    Ahhh Sandra's new wall *dances* XD Ahh yea noe to the point - wall: very, very pretty! I like how you did everything here, effects-great, and colors are soo full of life ;) however she's sad.... I've seen this anime and in the end I was crying.
    Sandra *shakes hand* you and you'r walls are so great!

  24. FredGreg Sep 16, 2005

    The texture of this piece is great, & the general watercolour/oil crayon look works exceedingly well. The whole thing is a bit pixelated though, which doesn't really make sense - it is smaller than the original scan & that was pretty good quality. Looking at it made my chest a bit tight though, so if it's lost any impact from that, maybe I should be glad of it right now...

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