Always was and always will be one of my favourites!!! Good job! I told you that no matter how good you'll get with time this one will always be special to me.
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Mamoru visiting the graves of his parents. Done with pencil.
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SilentNymph Sep 06, 2005
Silvandragon17 Sep 08, 2005
Look at all that shading! It must have taken you a long time to finish it!
Good job Esneko-chan! :) -
Freckles Sep 27, 2005
This is deffenetly my favourite drawing from your gallery. I really like the atmosphere you created in this pic but I can't help but think that a little more contrast in shadeing would have helped creating the imppresion of depth.
fennytron Aug 03, 2009
Ohhhhh, thas so sad, but beautiful, sad and beautiful, It is like a Requiem!, good job with this n.n
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