
Memories Off Wallpaper: Please Stay

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Inori Misasagi Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Inori Misasagi Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hi hi!!!
another simple wallie made by me...
hope you all can kindly give some comment....

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  1. dalidadod Sep 03, 2005

    hey..i like this wallie..really it looks good..thanx for sharin ^_^

  2. Sanzosgirl19 Sep 03, 2005

    Oh it's beautiful.It's so sad and yet so powerful.Wonderful job.I love it.FAV!!

  3. SealedSword Sep 03, 2005

    Hey there, nice wallpaper
    I like the Background and the effects around them, it suits them really well in my oppinion =P
    Welldone, adding to my favs = )

  4. lunar-angel Sep 03, 2005

    that girl is Inori from the game Memories Off
    this is such an amazing wall
    I love the detail and how well the image and the background go together
    + to favs
    I hope to see more soon ^_^

  5. Emma Sep 03, 2005

    Simple and Sweet!! I love walls that express emotion and this one truly does it. Actually...*teary eyed* I relate to it....
    Anyway, *wipes tears* your wall obviously will touch many because it is something we face. So not only is it emotional, it is practical and relevant to our lives.

    i love the vivid, clear sparkle effect. And the mist also adds a gloomy feel to the wall hence supporting the melancholy atmosphere. Nice work, Shioriyukino!! ^_^

  6. grizlyed Sep 03, 2005

    the wallpaper and the girl are beautiful. thank you for sharing it.

  7. krnlim Sep 03, 2005

    Brilliant work. Everything comes together nicely and the scenery is very nice. Good job.

  8. Adrima Sep 03, 2005

    you createt a beauteful and romantic scene, even the effects you used fit very good to the walli.
    good job there :)

  9. dvx Sep 03, 2005

    That is a lovely wallpaper. Very nice use of effects. Makes me want to cry....oh and the theme...*sniffs*

  10. LARAIED Sep 03, 2005

    ke imagen mas preciosa me encanta ,,, me encanta!!!!!!
    :nya: :D :nya: :D

  11. chau-chan Sep 03, 2005

    It's a very lovely wallpaper.
    The sparkles around the couple makes the wallpaper quiet romance. xD
    Oh yea, the couple is from Memories Off.

  12. marcoskatsuragi Sep 03, 2005

    I really like the effects of light! ^___^ So cool, adn the background are amazing! ^^

  13. mughi Sep 03, 2005

    Sweet. Your wallpaper sure does a good job of grabbing people's attention at least for me. I'm pretty happy with the way you did your work. Again, your title and the wallpaper is a perfect match. :D

    Subjectively I think the moon and the grasses could use little more work. The grass looks kind of blurry and the moon seem strange to me. Of course, if that is the way you wanted it then it's okay. ^_^'

    Thanks much for another fine wallpaper.

  14. Kairi-Hearts Sep 03, 2005

    it is really pretty =)
    great job ^.^

  15. WindAlchemist Sep 04, 2005

    whoa, this is so cool!!
    i love the effects around the characters O.O
    the background is very nice too, not too simple ^_^
    dont know if the moon looks good, but hey its better then i can do so its really good!!
    awesome, awesome work indeed!!
    keep up the great work!
    P.s. the catagory is "Memories Off" i recognize the characters from going through the scans ^_^

  16. preksha0 Sep 04, 2005

    Thanks for sharing and good job

  17. shiwei Sep 04, 2005

    wow... very nice and sad walls...
    background is great... like the light effect
    keep it up, add fav

  18. hjx Mute Member Sep 04, 2005

    oH. !!!!!.that's great.it's very clear and smooth . like have a live in this picture .It's have dimension and have any special .I like thia picture because it is like my
    life and my soul .I thinks it's great and not bad
    It's cool for every body to see this pic .
    good Job very much.

  19. tishdon Sep 04, 2005

    You've created a great atmosphere for your wall. However there are a few small details I would like to point out that I think could improve your wall. Your moon looks a little too flat, like you cut it out of a flat texture, perhaps spherizing it would help. Your stars really look a bit blurry, like they are behind your cloud layers, perhaps re-ordering your layer so the stars are on top or changing the blending options would help. Other then that you've created an excellent and touching wall. :)

  20. royaldarkness Sep 04, 2005

    oh, this is nice :) so sweet, the background totally matches the scan :) greta job

  21. xellokelly Sep 04, 2005

    another great wall there.
    especially the background.
    thanks for sharing! keep it up!
    definitely a fav.

  22. dreamreaver Sep 04, 2005

    wahwah..title fits it perfectly /gg once again you used the balls and swirls thing..
    is it yor trademark hehe...
    could you send me the scan please XD..

  23. Lirael Sep 05, 2005

    This wallpaper is beautiful... i love the way the light circles the two as if binding them together... there is also a sadness and desperation in the way that they hold each other which also has its own magic and beauty!! thanks!!

  24. Acuni Sep 05, 2005

    how cute i like it but the yellow things there are to bright
    hope to see more

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