
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper: Shoryu Asuka - photomosaic

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Asuka Langley Soryu Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hehey - this is the 4th and last wallpaper in a series of wallpapers I've done for a multiple detskop proggie - this one feautering Asuka from Evangelion :D:D:D:D:D

the other wallpapers in the series are featering:
Miyafuji Miina (Onegai Twins) - http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/159996/
Tokiha Mai (Mai HiME) - http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/162508/
Narusegawa Naru (Love Hina) - http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/166131/

Like the last 2 wallpapers this one includes a hint for one of my friends - this time it's attached to the drawing ... about the drawing it's made by myself as I didn't want anything that looked too professional (at least I suceeded at that point) - I'm afraid that I'll never become a great artist though ^^'

hope you like the wallpaper

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  1. lunaregina Sep 01, 2005

    Love the concept Guybrush! The photos are nicely arranged and the details really bring this piece together. My only suggestions would be to curl a few edges of the photos (just so they're not so repetitive and flat) and maybe to dodge/burn the wood background a bit.

    Also, you may want to use a font that looks more like handwriting since it's on a notepad. I'd love to see a few crumpled pieces of paper scattered around from the sketchbook as well. Other than that, you did a fantastic job! And your drawing really is a nice touch! Can't wait to see who else you make this style wall of. ;)

  2. Nona Sep 01, 2005

    I like thsi stlie of wallpaper! Very nice job! :)

  3. wendallsan Sep 01, 2005

    neat imagery of the photos of asuka, plus the smaller ones of the gang and creepy gendou . . . a cool composition overall.

  4. sakara48 Sep 03, 2005

    Yew! It's cool . I like your making style. Go for your creative!

  5. waterprincess2401 Oct 09, 2005

    great! i love asuka she's so... there's no other word for it: spunky :P she's so hyperactive, she always makes me laugh, it's good to have some comic relief in such an intense series... anyway, great work!

  6. shin012 Sep 29, 2009

    coool .. :)

  7. network19 Mar 21, 2010

    Thank you very much for the upload.

  8. maryanpopis Aug 26, 2010

    Thanks for sharing.........

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