
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Venus and Mars

Naoko Takeuchi, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Rei Hino, Minako Aino, Member Art
Naoko Takeuchi Mangaka Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series Rei Hino Character Minako Aino Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

ok... so back to the SM countdown... sorry ^_^' and again they aren't so great, it's simple, no shading... only good thing about this one is that i darkened the lines over the summer, otherwise we'd barely be able to distinguish the girls... but it's really a few years old... as for the extra long finger, don't remind me, it was that way in the original drawing... Takeuchi-san had a very hard time drawing hands i think ^_^'

so please please comment... even if i know, it's not great ^_^' see ya everyone!!

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  1. sylvacoer Aug 30, 2005

    Were those two ever a couple? (>.o) I canna remember the manga, but they might have been. I'd love to see this one done in color!
    Really good job on the lilies too... *snicker* I think you made your point (sylva loves metaphors)

  2. Chopstickz Aug 30, 2005

    its a cute scene and i like that flower ^^
    the girl on the left has long neck ^^;
    and her face is a bit long too
    but the hair looks good and the shadowing pretty nice
    so nice job n_n

  3. kai81220 Aug 31, 2005

    heh more doujin from ayamael ^^

    well actually the whole thing is very nice and coloured, it would look even better.
    but as chop said, the neck is a bit long
    but seriously, nice stuff ^^

  4. toujin1 Aug 31, 2005

    very very good!! see, now i'm not the only one who thinks that drawings can be detailed without all that shading! i LOVE your lines...they just make the whole thing stand out. and that flower is gorgeous!!

  5. Anjhurin Aug 31, 2005

    talk about long ^_^ lol i know it's the way the artist drew that (i remember making a comment on a SM doujin and saying *that's a bit long* and i got that exact answer ^_^')
    anyway i have some questions : is there a claw behind one girl? and does the other one wear buny ears?

    apart from my stupidness, i think that maybe you could have erased the thing above the lips that look like a moustache, even if it was the artist's work, because it seems really weird (i guess that improving someone else's work ain't a bad thing). another detail : the girl facing us, there's something before her left eye that's disturbing me. seems like it's part of the nose though ;)
    it's a pretty drawing, but really unachieved. you got much much better eheh XP

  6. pegassuss Aug 31, 2005

    well thought it's old, it's not bad ^^ I like the flowers and the hair of the girls. It's pretty detailed and I like that ;) Even if there are not shades, it's still good ^^ The only things are the fingers and the face of the lower girl, they look a bit weird. But it's a nice drawing! ^^ Good work!

  7. sukie Aug 31, 2005

    oh...this looks great!! the pencil art looks great!! thick and nice!!
    keep it up!

  8. SamuraiHaruko Sep 02, 2005

    who cares if it's simple! it reminds me of the manga [remembers her days in SM]

  9. gemini4life Sep 03, 2005

    yay back to the SM countdown, it's got the scout I can relate most to Rei :D

  10. tareren Sep 04, 2005

    I think they look pretty good except for few minor glitches (Rei's neck is a bit too long I think), it would be great if you color this :D

  11. Iyasis Sep 06, 2005

    Hmm, whenever I see paired drawings it's usually Mercury & Mars and Venus & Jupiter. Their faces seem a little odd, but you probably drew this from the manga instead of the anime. The two lines about the lips and under the nose look strange, almost like a moustache, lol. Like the previous drawing, I like the flowers.

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