
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Pluto

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Setsuna Meioh, Member Art


Artist Comment

I saw this pic and I decided to draw it just to practise my talent and also because I really liekd her outfit and also I ma a big fan of Sailor Ploto!She is very elegant and very pretty too!I hope that you'll like this pic of Sailor Ploto!

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  1. Sanzosgirl19 Aug 29, 2005

    Wow your so cool.Sailor Pluto Is my fav out of all the sailors.This is so good I wish I could draw like that.I can't even draw a stick figure let alon this.Good Job keep them coming.(*^_^*)

  2. dianas Aug 29, 2005

    this is so lovely sweetie...ti-a iesit f bine..^_~..imi place f mult scumpa,ai talent asta e vizibil..uite ar fi o placere sa te vad in Doujinshi-Support-Club ...eu am customizat grupul si acolo toti suntem egali adica administratori si ar fi placut sa iti vad desenele acolo doar apasa apply si sigur vei fi admisa am sa am eu grija de asta..C ya sweetie ^_~

  3. Silvandragon17 Aug 29, 2005

    Awesome details! The dress looks amazing. Sailor Pluto truly is elegant! One of my faves as well! Nicely done! And thanks for sharing your artwork with us all! XD

  4. Lenne Aug 29, 2005

    I love sailor Pluto...although Uranus is my favorite... XD
    Great job girl!

  5. Emma Aug 29, 2005

    Sailor Pluto!! I adore her and this is a wonderful sketch of her. I love the details in her dress--like the folds. Very good with the shadowing! You brought out depth and details wonderfully in this one.
    Awesome job!!

  6. Clover Aug 29, 2005

    Pluto looks really awesome in this dress i like it a lot.
    great job^^

  7. Blue-mage865 Banned Member Aug 29, 2005

    It's so pretty! Awesome to know that someone else still likes Sailor Moon besides me! My fave was always Jupiter but then I changed it to Saturn.

  8. KaoriHime Jun 08, 2006

    Wau,you can draw really good(just now I'm looking into your gallery *gomenasai*)
    Lovely ^_^

  9. simo Oct 08, 2006

    Sailor Pluto! My favorite! very good job! keep them coming ! the hole team maybe? all sailors?

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