
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: ~Side~by~Side~

Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Artemis, Sailor Venus
Naoko Takeuchi Mangaka Toei Animation Studio Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series Artemis Character Sailor Venus Character


Artist Comment

I'm not very satisfied with this one. The only thing I like about this drawing is how Sailor Jupiter turned out. Everyone else looks scary! lol I'll try working on it some more. But for now this is it. lol

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  1. s9031496c Banned Member Aug 27, 2005

    Hey pretty drawing. You did a very good job in drawin all of the characters so.....KEEP IT up!!!

  2. IcyFyre Aug 27, 2005

    aw! the whole sailor moon gang thingy! :) i like it a lot! you did an awsome job, so you shouldnt have to worry! :D i like it!

  3. Verbeek Aug 27, 2005

    Nice drawing. It looks good. Your outline is soft.
    Since you are going to work on it some more, maybe I'll try to give you some suggestions.
    Maybe you can make the outline a little bit darker. And maybe you can shade some more.

    It already looks good I think.

  4. Sumomo- Aug 27, 2005

    Nice drawing Silvandragon 17 - espcially liking the kitties ..yes I'm biased! LOL
    Not too fond of SailerMoon though...

    Keep up the good work.

  5. Nkabee Aug 27, 2005

    sailor moon!!!! yayyy, awesome drawing dude, i would add this to my fav's but i have no more room right now :( sorrieeee. ill add it later, ok? they are realllly kawaiii, i love it, looking forward to more, byeee :) come online!!!!!, havent talked to u for ages, bye bye :) XD

  6. AngelKate Aug 27, 2005

    Awww! I think they look really cute!! ^_^ Nice drawing! :)

  7. Wslasher Aug 28, 2005

    wat a nice drawing of sailor moon and the gang! nice job! /no1

  8. thedarkness Banned Member Aug 28, 2005

    nice draw
    you draw better than me.
    actually i can't draw at all.
    nicely done.
    keep trying , you never know you're will be an artist someday.

  9. sandumirabela Aug 29, 2005

    Well don't worry even me I am not always satisfied and many others too!I am usually a perfectionist and can't say anything bad about somebody elses work before looking firstly at my work!They look cute and I really know it is hard to make more than two characters in a picture,is hard to make only one but 5 and 2 cats!Cute^_^!

  10. Barm Sep 01, 2005

    Well I wanted to be Sailor Jupiter for Nan Desu Kan this year, but I am having trouble finding the gloves. I have my entire costume worked out. I wont shave my legs or beard. I will put my hair in pony tail and draw on a white T-shirt with a green sharpie. Not to mention my green skirt and shoe coboverings. Oh, yeah vans that look like green high heels. OH! And of course I would draw fake breasts on the shirt too because I am a man. Not to mention my friend Specs might be Mercury. By the way your pic is awsome! Keep it up wooded area dragon!

  11. SilentNymph Sep 08, 2005

    Imi place foarte mult asta pentru ca ai valorat mai mult decat la celelalte. Sa nu-ti fie frica pentru ca ai o linie curata care cu timpul va deveni si mai buna si ai asa o sa se intample si cu coloratul si umbrele. Totul e sa incepi. Hai ca talent ai tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa desenezi ^.^

  12. Silvandragon17 Sep 08, 2005

    Yay mersi pentru incurajari! Thanks to everyone for the kind words. Really appreciate it!

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