how romantic XP
such a pretty wallpaper you made athena ^^
great job i like it ^^
keep it up
umm.. i will fav it later ^^'
Artist Comment
err.....not as quite as i want it to be.
frankly speaking, i finished this one 10 mins afetr i did
A Night Under the
Red Moon
but i guess i was TOO busy to do it especially in the middle of your review for the big test ^_^'
dang studies!
anyways, i really want it to have a romantic night look, but what i did here is stupidly ridiculous! ^_^' just
i love whatever i did even though this time, the term MATH corrupted my original idea same
as what happened to my first sub only that PHYSICS did it :)
uhh...i hope you like this one, and if you're gonna add this to your faves but extended to you limitations...dont bother saying sorry to me coz i think its not right ^_^'
err....that's all!
oh, by the way, i wanna give it a more better look but i lack brushes, i'm currently enjoying
my super astonishing magnificent moon brush so i'm using it a lot! jokes! whatever!
that's all!
peace out!
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Dufoe88 Aug 25, 2005
LilLaoRyo704 Aug 25, 2005
aww such a romatic wall, love the background and the moon is jus perfect, i'll fav it in a week, sorry, its that rule ^_^' ja-ne
Akaiken Aug 25, 2005
I think I know who the Hell those are, hehehe! (you know who!)
I'm not much about some love but you still made it lovely.
I won't fave it because there's a new rule but since I'm in love (don't bother ask!), I'll fave it because...
1) It's lovely
2) It's cute
3) It was nicely done
4) It reminds me of someone, hehehe! -
grizlyed Aug 25, 2005
i like this romantic wallpaper. Thank you for sharing the picture.
Shkira Aug 25, 2005
such nice, nighttime colors! Good job on the lighting and such.
athena Aug 25, 2005
Quote by Akaiken
I won't fave it because there's a new rule but since I'm in love (don't bother ask!),who?! a 35 year old granny?! good for you coz you should think about starting your own family know! you're old enough! wahaha!
jokes! -
Midori-chan Aug 25, 2005
the bg is great and the scan is romantic too^^
keep up the good work! -
Alchy Aug 25, 2005
This is really so beautiful and romantic! Thank you for sharing this wallie. ^_^
<3 -
Verbeek Aug 25, 2005
How romantic.... the scan is pretty nice.
Well, although you finished it in 10 minutes it looks really great...
Uh, like the background so much... Great job!! -
TAM-Lisa Banned Member Aug 25, 2005
Quite nice & romane wall! :nya: I like it very much (^_^)
Thanks for sharing (^_^) + Well done -
Drakkon007 Aug 25, 2005
Hey Athena, this wallie is really awesome. The bg is really nice and the the charas also, the darkness makes it look quite a lot better.
Rella Aug 25, 2005
Wow, that looks really romantic!! I love the background scene as well. Good job! ^^
zen8192 Aug 25, 2005
Very nice... reminds me of uhmmm, her, and also... her! oh yeah and her!
Hahahaha! I think I had those kinds of relationships to many times! :nya:
Anyways, the ambience of the wallie is really cool! Very nice concept of using a dark night with a full moon to have a kissing scene! o_0 Kinda like my 1st tym I think..? Or was it my 2nd? or 3rd?
lol! +favs -
DarkEVO Aug 25, 2005
The background on this wall is good. Nice detail on the night skies. But the night effects on the couples seems darken blue. Really a bit disturbing. But the background is the only thing that keeps it good and alive.
DevilJo Aug 25, 2005
What a romantic wallie, the background is great. The scan fits the full moon with the dark bg. I like it a lotz and you did a good job. ^^
Kojiroh Aug 25, 2005
omg !! kick ass woman !! such a nice romantic scene.. it makes meh wanna experience it maself.. nooo.. now im having weird fantasties.. i feel so lonely now.. screw yu !! XD lol.. jkz.. but.. good work.. :D il fav it soon mistress..
royaldarkness Aug 25, 2005
wow, this wall looks really romantic :) it's so lovely *smiles*
cool bg, btw! -
sukie Aug 25, 2005
wow!!! looks good! i really like it!! the scan fit well with the rest of the bg...great job!! me love it!!
asianspirit Aug 25, 2005
very romantic indeed!
i love the way you made the right atmosphere for all of it to happen. superb!
the only question i have is why are there two moons? ^_^' just curious.
great wall anyway! XD -
maho-ho Aug 25, 2005
I think, that it has a really romantic scene, is very pretty. A good work, the work in the image is good also. :D
murderonprimetime Aug 25, 2005
This is goregous i love it! it's very nicely done! Nice job! i love the effects and the lightening Goregous fav!
AngelXXX Aug 25, 2005
How cuuuuuuuuuute!!!! It's so romantic!!!! I love romantic scenes!!! *+fav* See ya!!! :)
Ninjutsu Aug 25, 2005
Nice romantic scene, they are so sweet and the bg fits very well for it :D, the sky is wonderful :). Great wall :D
shinorei Aug 25, 2005
*_* I love this kiss scene. And I wonder what anime is that from. Looks totally sweeet.
The scan quality is really good and those stars + moons really blend with them. Very nice. ^^ +fav
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