
My Neighbor Totoro Wallpaper: Tonari no Totoro

Studio Ghibli, My Neighbor Totoro, Totoro, Satsuki Kusakabe, Mei Kusakabe Wallpaper
Studio Ghibli Studio My Neighbor Totoro Series,OVA Totoro Character Satsuki Kusakabe Character Mei Kusakabe Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Anime? General? Eh, I put it under Anime anyway. This is a wallpaper of Totoro (currently my desktop) with Mei and Satsuki on the tree branch. Included are three quotes from the movie itself. Originally, I wanted to include the default leaf brushes (but remember, I vow to never use brushes again.)

Mostly vectors in this wallpaper. It's a bit plain and too simple. I guess I just needed that after an argument over my relatives.

PS - The thumbnail quality is horrible. I recommend opening the actual wallpaper.

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  1. Amaranth Aug 25, 2005

    hehe..yes...the tumb is horrible xD
    but the wall's nice~ simple ...yea~ but nice^^
    a little bit empty on the top~ but good if you have lotsa iconsx3
    some of the words are a bit small....
    and the green spot...leaves for tree =x?
    i like totoro best...and the spotty circles x3

  2. kaidou Aug 25, 2005

    What an awesome Totoro wallpaper! Nobody does Totoro in this style. I like it very much. ....................................................

  3. Evanrued Aug 25, 2005

    You know. This is so awesome. The simple shapes, the suttle yet dark colors. I would fav this, but it appears I have reached theeeeee limit. lol. The vector itself is so awesome in all. The scene you have done looks really good. I dont see much Totoro art. But the line work in this one is really good. Excellent all out.

  4. fawna-chan Aug 28, 2005

    hey! that's good. it looks nice and i would add it in my favorites...but i can't. oh well, next time and keep it up! ^^

  5. benjaminchia Aug 29, 2005

    simple colors. patterns and design are awesome.
    really like how it is pleasant to the eyes.

    this will surely make a good wallie. I like how it is in green. which is perfect for pleasantness to the eyes.

    keep it up!

  6. hongrboi Sep 03, 2005

    Very nice basic vector.It looks good as a wall too! Lotsa of empty space but it's nice for people who have lots of icons right? hehe ,Anyways, I like the circle effect being repeated on the right side with the grid. Good job ^^

  7. cup-of-tea Nov 03, 2005

    very pretty and green is my favourite colour, but i can't help wishing that it was even bigger like 1280*960 :)

  8. rythem Nov 16, 2005

    awww this is so cute ~ ;_; u've done a great work on the vector ~ very simple but nicceee ~ green is so sweet XD lol +fav

  9. cyd84 Dec 16, 2005

    Ooo very nice...only thing is the little bit of text that got too much dark green...it's rather jarring compared to the rest of the pale green...

    Any chance of getting an updated version without the darkness?

  10. kristina1234u Sep 14, 2006

    yah anime is the right category to put it under :3, Miyazaki's films are considered anime anways lol. There aren't very many Totoro wallpapers, and of the one's that there are they aren't that great ^^;..I must say this is the only one making it into my wallpaper collection :3. I like how it came out, the vector is simple, but simplicitiy works very nicely when theres a neat design going on and I like how it came out ^^.

  11. jiop Oct 04, 2009

    wow that's awesome! great job!

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